Urie X Reader (My Beautiful Horse)

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You gazed up at the moonlit evening as you rode on the dizzying carousel. It was closing time for the amusement park, and every night you'd clean more slower just to look up at the stars. Every hour was hell to you when you were stuck at home. Your parents would never let you out of the mansion, only if it was for the job, but nothing else. You couldn't even go to school, interact with other family, or have any social life possible. You wished you could just be free– just like this carousel– just like the horses.

But you also knew that– they weren't real. No one is free, even if you intend to be.

You sighed as you jumped off Fine. You knew it was stupid, but you decided to at least name the plastic horse that stayed all through your bad and good times. And Fine was his name. You and him weren't doing great, but you weren't having a really bad time, either. So that reborned Fine.

Once you stepped down the carousel, an unfamiliar figure walked nearer, starting by the standpole that loomed way over at the corner of my eye. It's strange presence brought you to fear, but you gulped all your frustration down and glared at the shady figure.

"I'm sorry but the amusement parks are closed. If you haven't seen, there aren't many people inside, and probably the dumbass guards too." You couldn't help but say.

As it came closer, you saw more of it's beauty. It wasn't a shady rapist, afterall.
It was– "Fine..." You mumbled as he charmingly gaped at you.

The flawless skin, the crimson rose, the kind smile, and the dashing orange hair brought to think it was really Fine. But your senses got over you and you quickly backed away once he was as close as touching you.

"I'm sorry, I just saw you below the moonlight, and I couldn't help but come and get a closer look." He said as he took your hand and kissed it through the breeze.

You were flustered enough to look like a tomato, but you were glad that it wasn't that visible since it was night. You hastily snatched your hand away and stumbled against the latch.

Slowly and blissfully, the carousel sprung like the evening breeze, and you started losing your balance, falling on to him. You couldn't help but look at his deceiving golden orbs just like Fine's. You were awe-strucked by his beauty, nothing could possibly compare anything to his, neither Fine's.

He gently lifted your chin up, just so your face could be closer. You were frozen, and you couldn't move. You thought you lost your humanity by the spinning and jostling of the carousel, but you quickly realized it was love at first sight– even if you thought it was clearly stupid.

You felt your heart beat faster by every moment as his face reached your neck. He tenderly slipped his hands in between your waist, and with a cherishing whisper, he said your name.

"Would you care to dance?" He breathed.

You were confused at first of how he knew your name, but you realized that you had a name tag buttoned at the side of your heart. You gasped as he released his one hand to place it on yours, but you didn't protest.

"S-Sure..." You mumbled. "But I...I-I'm bad at dancing, especially on moving dance floors so I-I might–"

"I'll catch you," he said thoughtfully.

You smiled and danced along with the tune that played with the carousel. You couldn't even hear it– hear anything but your heart beat. You couldn't help but feel as if both of you were exchanging the same emotions– Because you felt his heart beat, too. Pumping alongside your chest.

There were some moments when you did trip, but you regained your balance everytime.

"Your a very great dancer, my beautiful butterfly," he whispered as he let go– only hanging on your hand.

You were a little disappointed, but you didn't complain. And in that moment, you corrected him, even if he was right. Butterflies were meant to be trapped, just like you.
But for then on, you thought it was Fine to be trapped in the maze of love.


*siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I have to go to hell on Saturday
*School I mean, but that correction wouldnt be needed. But seriously, why Saturday?! Ugh. I wouldnt even listen, why cant Shiki just fly me elsewhere now? Shiki my love, come to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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