Part Seven✔️

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{shoutout to rockenkate for reminding me that i'm actually an author on here not just a reader... ahahahaha.. ❤️ also do any of y'all know how i can see what rank this is or where it is on the lists? i wanna know how terribly ranked it is :')}

Everything around her seemed to be frozen in time. The world became one big blur of bland colors swirling around her as her head spun. The real world, reality, became nothing but a big blur of fake, that she had lived happily surrounded by her entire life. The real world was gone. And the only words that she heard were spinning around her head, they were the words that Petra spoke only seconds ago. The words didn't seem to leave her mind, they imbedded themselves in her brain and taunted her with their dangerous meaning.

The girl had called it 'just a theory,' a mere idea, a thought that she had conjured up one night and hadn't been able to forget since. But something about that so-called "theory," had dread chilling Grey's blood and freezing her body.

"It's just a thought - a theory at that - so don't overreact okay?" She had started. 'Not overreact, my ass.' Grey thought, but nevertheless let her continue. "I believe that you two may have bonded - possibly unintentionally."

"Bonded?" Had been Grey's immediate response with a tilt of her head.

"It's when the soul of your wolf sort of morphs or forms a connection with another soul. If my soul was to bond with some villager's soul, I'd feel an immediate pull towards them - an attraction - and it won't go away until me and that villager have mated. Even after that it'll still be there." Petra sighed. "In most cases, it happens between two lycans, a human bonded to a lycan is rare; even rarer for a human to be bonded to lycan as powerful as him." She didn't need to say his name, Grey knew who he was.

"So you're saying the soul of his wolf," The words felt odd leaving Grey's lips. "chose me to form some weird connection with and now I'm his?" Petra nodded. "So I am his without any say?"

"No, Grey whenever the first time you two met was, he was intrigued by you and he couldn't figure out why you drew him in. And the times after that was him figuring it out and you accepting it."

"I did not!"

"You accepted it the second you walked in that forest after I told you countless of times not to." Petra's voice was stern and it made Grey snap her mouth shut.

She twiddled with her fingers a little bit before speaking. "Mating is-?"

"Sex, basically."

Grey paled. "So you expect me to have sex with that beast out there?"

"No, okay, it's a theory. It's the only logical reason that he'd let you live and almost murder Dimitri unless he wants to watch you go mad; which could also be a possibility but let's go with the first option."

"No let's not."

"Having someone to love you for eternity isn't all that bad, Grey. . ."

"Someone to love me?! Someone to love me!" Grey's blood began to boil. "You've said it yourself; he's a monster. How am I expected to love a murderer? He wants me dead, I know it! He just enjoys fucking with my head! It's impossible for him to want to love me and it's impossible for me to love him!"

"Grey, please calm down okay? Let me explain."

The girl snorted and crossed her arms, her eyes giving a quick roll before glaring at Petra. "Please do."

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