Part Twenty✔️

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{i'm so in love with this song right now it's so pretty.
M xx}

Grey's night was long and sleepless. Spent staring out the window of her room, counting the stars and watching the brothers run through the trees. She heard their howls, mournful, sweet melodies that stirred the creatures of the night. For this one night, they were not beasts, they were not seeking blood, they crave the taste of the sweet liquid that dropped from human veins, nor the bitter scent of death lingering in the air. No, they were broken souls this night. And Grey heard this in their songs to the almost full moon, she saw it in Maksim's eyes the next afternoon, she could feel it in the air; they missed their mother with every fiber of their beings.

"Maksim?" Grey was cautious as he set a plate down in front of her. "I'm sorry."

His eyes met hers. "It's the past."

"But it's not. It may have happened years ago but it's still a part of you. It's not okay to push it down, to act like it doesn't effect you both the way it does. . ."

He was silent for awhile and Grey would've thought he had left had she not been looking at him. He shook his head and shrugged. "She wouldn't have wanted us to mourn her like this. But it's hard no to when it's been eighteen years."

"How old were you?"

"Ten. Alexei had just turned eight."

Grey was left speechless. The human girl knew loss, she knew it all too well, she knew what if felt like to lose your mother, but to have been through so much at a young age, she couldn't imagine what they must of felt. And she didn't even want to imagine what events happened afterwards that made them who they were now. As she opened her mouth to speak, in walked the beast himself with his shoulders back and head high, his stoic face and snarky attitude back as if yesterday never happened.

The moment he entered, Maksim's head whipped towards him, eyes ablaze and nostrils flaring, but Alexei was only focused on Grey.

She couldn't help but take him in as he did her - almost as if it was natural - he looked more confident, stronger, there was something different in the air around him that had Grey breathing in through her nose and out of her mouth in an attempt to calm her racing heart. It didn't work.

Maksim stood and took a stance in front of Grey which Alexei did not take kindly to. This male, brother or not, was too close to his female. He greeted his older brother with a growl of warning, sharp teeth bared in a threat.

"I thought we agreed you'd stay far away today, brother." Maksim's voice was harsh, an underlying hint of annoyance masked in venom.

Alexei's vicious demeanor dropped and instead he gave a casual shrug and walked towards where lunch lay on the counter. "The day is young and nightfall is nowhere near."

"The moon is high in the midnight sky somewhere. You are not stable today and I thought we agreed you'd stay away."

He shrugged again and leaned against the counter as he chewed a piece of his sandwich. Once again, his predatory eyes were on Grey and hers were on him.

"What's going on?" She finally asked.

"The full moon is tonight." Maksim said, sitting down slowly with his eyes still on his brother.


"The moon brings out the darkest beasts, little lion." Alexei said. "And my beast wants out to play with you." He snapped his teeth at her in order to get a reaction, and he got just that.

A shiver passed through her body, not going unnoticed by Alexei who's eyes grew dark as he watched her reaction to him. His hands tightened on his plate, his restraint slipping.

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