Part Twenty One✔️

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{can we just discuss how beautiful this is? thank you! @Leeful you made my day. :') also at the end of this chapter is a little sneak peak/description of what's coming next since this book is almost at its end :((}

Everything was silent in the house, so silent that Grey didn't even want to breathe in fear that she might breathe too loud. She had her back against the wall opposite of the door with the dresser in front of it, the knife Maksim gave her sat on the nightstand only a few feet away. Her eyes never strayed from that door, no matter how badly she wished to look out the window, she was terrified, her body frozen in fear.

Truly, deeply terrified of what lurked outside. She knew that the moon didn't bring any good when it hung full and ominous in the night sky. And after all that Maksim had told her she was left alone and shaking, unable to will her body to hold that beautiful knife that could save her life.

"If he somehow breaks free and comes here. Do not hesitate to stab him. Get his arm, his leg, anywhere to make him immobile, but if you have to kill him. Do it."

She knew that if it came down to it, her or him, she'd never be able to kill him even if he was a beast. She would let the beast tear her throats out and feast on her guts as long as Alexei would live. Why she'd give her own life before his was beyond her, but she just knew she would.

Out of the silent night, broke a wild, feral howl that seemed to shake the entire earth. It sounded far away but Grey knew those creatures were fast and powerful and they could be near her in no time. She watched the digital numbers of her beside clock turn to a hour after midnight, and out of nowhere it came; that bond. It crept through her veins and coiled around her lungs, she felt like she was drowning as the urge to find him, see him, touch him overwhelmed her entire being. It was taking over her senses and any sense she had left was swept from her mind as if common sense was useless. And yet, despite her better judgment, she crawled over to the window, slow and quiet, and squatted down low so she could peek out the window without being fully seen.

Outside, the world seemed peaceful and beautiful. The world now turning green was filled with fireflies, where she usually watched little creatures scurry across the grass there was nothing. Everything seemed out of place except for those fireflies floating around the trees. The outside world called out to her. She could see the wind rustling the tall tree and if her window had been open, she was sure she would've heard that eerie little voice beckoning her into the trees. Her finger twitched with the urge to pull her window open and breath in the night air or even to creep down the stairs and step into the world illuminated by moonlight.
Grey had been so entranced by the seemingly magical world, that she hadn't noticed she was no longer crouching but standing at her full height, peering out the window. Her wide eyes scanned the tall trees that swayed in greeting, begging her to come to them, but the only thing that planted her feet in their place and kept her inside that room, were the big blue eyes peering from behind the lights of the fireflies.

And she was mesmerized, it was like seeing them again for the first time. Frozen in her spot high above the beast, she watched it slowly emerge from the trees. The beast seemed larger than normal, it's legs thicker with muscle and teeth sharper, with each step it took she could see the muscles ripple beneath its shining fur. It was far more intimidating as it made it's presence know in the night that now lacked that magic vibe with the fireflies gone and trees still and sinister looking again.

As it looked up at her and she looked down at it, Grey felt her heart drop when she realized that it's huge claws and teeth were stained with blood.


The spell broke between their locked gazes and she fell down as her legs gave out, her body sprawled across the ground, chest heaving with fear. As quick as she could, she scurried over the door, pulling herself up so she could press an ear to it, trying to listen for any signs that could indicate there was any more danger than that which she was already in.

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