Chapter 11

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As we were waiting for the waitress to come back with the check, a reappearance by someone who shall not be named was not welcomed.

"I saw you through the window~" Yuna said, sitting across from me, almost sitting on Jimin. Jimin scooted as far away from her as possible, sending her the deadliest glare. I don't actually know how she saw me from the window when we were far away from the nearest window. She must have been staring really hard to notice me in here. Or maybe it was my hair... I'd have to get a more subtle hair color.

"Well as you can see, I'm done and I'm going to pay and leave now, bye." I said, hoping that I could get up and find the waitress.

"Not so fast Min Yoongi." She blocked my way of getting out.

"Yuna, can you like, not." I was super annoyed. I hate people like this. Persistent to the extent that is makes me want to jump off a cliff.

"I just want to spend time with you Yoongi~Oppa."

"Well it's a shame since I don't want anything to do with you."

"You shouldn't play so hard to get, it hurts my feelings."

"I'm not playing anything." I roll my eyes and stab myself mentally.

"We should go out."

"First off, no. Secondly, I couldn't anyways."

"Why not?" She stretched out the vowels in a childlike manner and I really just wanted to shove her but I would never.

"I have a boyfriend." This seemed to have caught Jimin's attention. He turned his gaze towards me, staring wide eyed and frowning a little. Jealous are we?

"Oh really?! Who is it?" I could see that Yuna held in her scream.


"Jimbob." I curse myself in my mind.

"Really? Again? You fuck up my name?" I send him a glare.

"Who is Jimbob?! Does he go to our school?"

"Yes actually, and he's a carrot head and is extremely cheerful and he used to always watch me from far away, as did I with him, and I'm in love with him, got a problem?" She just stood there in shock and I left her there like that. Finding the waitress and paying, I walked out, dragging Jimin by my side.

"She's so aggravating!" I groaned.

"You knew I watched you?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course. I may be dumb but I'm not blind. Just know I looked at you too."

"And..." He wanted to continue. I stop dragging him and face him.

"We've only really known each other for a couple days now, so I'm sorry I used you as an excuse and said I was in love with you." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"It's alright." He let out a huge breath I hadn't realized he had been holding. And then it clicked. I smirked.

"Or maybe I really am?" I wink and turn away, beginning to walk.

"Really am what?"

"I'll let you piece that together."

"Yoongi! I-"

"Do you think it's too late to go to the woods? It is starting to get darker now."

"We could leave it for tomorrow?" He suggested.

"Alright, sounds like a plan to me."

"So back to your house now?" I nod.

"I'd like to meet your parents." I state bluntly.

"My- my parents?" Jimin asked sounding confused.


"Why?" He looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Why not? Actually I don't know myself." I shrug.

"I guess it'll be okay..."

"That way you can grab some of your things to bring back to my place. We can go to the woods afterwords."

"Wait, you want to go tomorrow?!"

"Yeah, when else?" I shrug.

"I don't know."

"Tomorrow it is then, since there's no school we can go early. Maybe your mom will tell me embarrassing things about you!" I say snickering to myself, thinking of all the possibilities.

"Meeting my parents is out of the question now, no thanks."

"No, no, no, no, no, now it definitely has to happen."

"I hate you so much."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." I grin and he blushes.


"Let's go home and watch a movie or something." His mood completely does a 180 and he agrees right away.

"What movie?"

"I don't know, we can stalk Netflix or Hulu or something, I have both."

"Ah, alright."

By the time we got back to my house, it was 7pm and completely dark out. If we had went to the woods at this time we probably would've gotten lost. I change into some comfy clothes and give Jimin clothes to change into as well. I had finally gotten around to doing laundry a couple days back. I throw myself into my actual bed and not the floor bed I made of blankets for myself so that Jimin could sleep comfortably. Jimin just stood there, probably debating where to sit since I took his usual spot. I sigh.

"Come lay with me idiot." I say patting the spot next to me on the bed. He just stared at the spot and then looked at me. With me not having any patience, I got up and pulled him by his arm onto the bed next to me.

"Hey at least give me a warning or something! You never do that!" He complained.

"That's not how I roll." I say and get my laptop from the end of my bed before I make myself comfortable under my blankets. Jimin stayed on top of them which made me roll my eyes. I pulled the blanket over him as well and ignored his commentary on the action. I signed into Netflix on my laptop and we began scrolling through the possible things we could watch. We decided on watching Scorch Trials because we both agreed Dylan O'Brien was one fine specimen.

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep right away because I woke up and the movie was over and Jimin was passed out next to me. Jimin or one of my parents must have turned off the lights. I close my laptop and place it back at the end of my bed since I didn't want to climb over Jimin and risk waking him up. My bed was right up against the wall so I was trapped.

I lay back down next to him and notice his body is facing me. His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes were squeezed shut. He was breathing slowly. I'm glad he finally got some sleep, I know he hadn't been sleeping at all during his time with me. I caught myself touching his bangs and pulled my hand away. I then felt myself drifting off back to sleep as well.


So this story can go two ways

I have two endings planned out and idk which one to do but I have to decide NOW to make the plot go along with it and rip @ me I can't decide omg

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