Chapter 13

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I turned my gaze away from Jimin and back to his mother with a questionable look plastered on my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, please do come in." She said after a couple more seconds, holding the door open. Jimin didn't follow, he was still in the squatting position, most likely rethinking his entire life up to this very moment.

"Ah, you have a very nice house." I say, looking at all their furniture and taking in the atmosphere. The neutral colors complimented everything very nicely.

"Thank you. What brings you here today?" She asked, leading me into the living room. She motioned for me to sit down on the couch and so I did. She sat on the love seat across from me.

"Actually, I just came to talk about Jimin." I put the best worrisome expression on my face and bit my lip.

"Oh, I see... The police have yet to find any leads and-"

"No, no, I want to talk about Jimin as a person. You see, before he went missing me and him, we..." Jimin came in when I started my reply and he immediately ran towards us with a bewildered countenance.

"Why are you lying? Yoongi what are you doing?!"

"Oh?" His mom tried to hide her smile.

"Yeah." I blushed to go on with the act.

"My little Jimin got a boyfriend? And he got the boy he's had a crush on for ages?" I chuckled and nodded then glanced at Jimin. Jimin let out a shriek and sprinted away somewhere. I had my suspicions but now they were confirmed.

Jimin likes me.

"We only just started dating the Wednesday before he went missing and I really regret not noticing him sooner..." The second part was true to say the least.

"It's not your fault Yoongi, I hope you know that just being there for him even is that small period of time would've meant a lot to him." I could see Mrs. Park holding back her tears and I wondered if it was selfish of me to think about what if it were me in this situation instead of Jimin. Would my parents even care if I was gone?

"Thank you. I needed that. Can you please tell me about him? I'd wait until he returned but I'm a very impatient person." I laugh to ease the mood. She joined in with me.

"So I've heard, haha. And of course, I'd love to tell you about him. Would you like anything to drink before I start?"

"Mm, water please?"

"Got it, I'll be right back." She quickly got up and scurried into the kitchen. I looked around the room and saw tons of photographs of Jimin. I couldn't help but smile. He was such a dork. There were so many baby pictures, pictures from his childhood, his teenage years.

In my house there were no pictures. The walls were bland and the decor matched. Not one picture frame hung in my house. I can't even remember the last time I took a picture with my mom and dad.

I picked up a picture of Jimin off the coffee table in front of me. It was at our school. He looked a bit younger, probably our first year there. He seemed nervous and jittery, but then again, who isn't when they start a new school year? Especially at a new school.

"He was so embarrassed when we took that picture." Mrs. Park returned, placing the glass of water on the table as I continued to look at the picture. I swiped my thumb across his face before I put the frame back in its original spot.

"He gets embarrassed about the smallest things." I pick up the glass of water and take a sip.

"Tell me about it. We went to a circus with him not too long ago and they chose one person to do a makeover on and turned them into a clown. Jimin was chosen. We forced him to accept it to help him out. That didn't go as planned and he's been terrified of clowns ever since." I almost choked on my water and burst out laughing.

"Really?! Then why dye his hair orange?"

"To overcome his fear. It didn't fix anything but he liked the color on himself." She laughed.

"It suits him well." I smiled.

"There was this one time last year where we went to the movie theater to watch a horror movie and he was asked to leave because he was causing too much of a scene."

"Was he screaming?" She nodded. "I had a feeling. That's my carrot head right there." I grin and drink some water again.

"So tell me. Did he ask you out?" She was at the edge of her seat hunched over, resting her elbows on her knees with her hands folded.

"No. I kind of just found out he liked me. I mean, he made it really, really, painfully obvious. And when my friend Namjoon who's acquainted with Taehyung hinted at it, that's when I knew for sure. So I decided to make a move because yeah, I started to like him too." I came up with that at the top of my head.

"I hope that didn't overwhelm him too much with his social anxiety and whatnot."

"Social anxiety?" I questioned, suddenly concerned.

"He didn't tell you?" I shook my head no. "He has really bad social anxiety and can't really talk to people. In fact, when people try and talk to him, he usually completely shuts down. We try to help him, we really do. Like the circus incident. We were hoping it would crack his shell and maybe that would let him have fun. You know how that turned out. But that changed a lot when he met Taehyung and Jungkook. They helped him overcome it a little. He couldn't approach you because of it. He used to tell me all about you. He would go on and on about how he wished he could talk to you. He would breakdown sometimes. He really is a special kid behind all of that and I'm glad you finally got to see. He really admires you, you know."

"I had no idea." I sighed and was stuck in my thoughts. To think that Jimin suffered because he wanted to talk to me but couldn't. I wish I would've known, I would've talked to him. I would've befriended him. It could've happened because I mean, look at us now. We get along really well. I took too long to see and now, it's too late... He's gone. But I've got to make the most of what we've got now.

Until the very end.

I promised myself.

"Would you like to see his room?" She suggested after a couple moments of silence.

"Actually, yes, I'm curious to see what it looks like. Is he clean or messy?"

"Oh lord, that boy is in between. Sometimes he would leave it a complete mess and other times it would be completely organized. I never understood." We both stood up and she took my empty glass before taking it into the kitchen and returning to my side and leading me up the stairs.

"He reminds me of me."

"Probably one of the many reasons why he likes you. You won't have to worry about a mess. I tidied up the room for him when... You know." She smiled and walked down the small hall. "That's weird, the wind must have pushed the door open."

Little did she know that Jimin was there.

"Woah." I looked around and Jimin's personality spilled out everywhere. There was tons of art on his walls and so many colors. I saw a desk in the corner with a laptop and drawers on the other side of the room followed by a huge closet. He had a full sized bed which Jimin himself sat upon.

"Welcome to mi casa." He mocked me from the first time I took him to my place. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm have to start preparing for an early dinner. I have some coworkers coming over. Feel free to look around and stay as long as you'd like." Mrs. Park smiled and I nodded in return. She left and I heard her footsteps down the stairs.

"So Jimin~"

"I heard everything."


I'm such Yoonmin trash omg did u see the bbys at isac, Jimin is taller than Yoongi secute ugh

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