Pillow Fights & Things That Go Bump In The Night

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       I lay on the overly soft double bed that had catered all too well for mine and Damon’s needs, a few hours previously. We lay in a comfortable embrace with our fingers interlaced and my head resting on his chest.

            I felt different to how I usually felt after being intimate with Stefan. Happier, ecstatic, and I knew that I’d been right with Damon. He was my knight in shining armour; my man on a black and noble steed who would plunge through the darkness to save me, in my hour of need. I thought back to when his teeth had probed my throat and when I’d succumbed to the feeling of pure bliss and happiness.

            Damon was the one. The elusive one that every girl reads about in teen novels; watches on the big screen, and dreams about in the middle of her chemistry mid-term.

            I’d found the one person that I knew would be there for me, no matter what, the one person who I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of eternity with.


            Now that’s a long time, I mused.

            But whilst I’d never been certain with Stefan, I knew what I wanted with Damon.

            I wanted to be a vampire. Well, I mean who wants to be dapper and eternally gorgeous, and dating an 87 year old? There’s no way Damon would get away with being with me when I was old and wrinkly and smelt of soap.

            That left one option.

            Joining Damon in eternal life.

            Except just not yet. I still had a life to live, and I intended to do just that, whilst my looks still allowed me to. But there’s no harm in taking precautions, I thought to myself, and fortunately, something that Damon agreed to, when I voiced my thoughts out loud.

            So it was agreed. Every day, I’d drink a little of Damon’s blood, and that way, if I ever died, Damon wouldn’t lose me forever, and I’d become a vampire. Simple. It made sense; after all, Damon had been drinking my blood.

            I was surprised at how the idea of drinking the metal tasting liquid didn’t repulse me, as much as it had when I was with Stefan. I’d turned my nose up at Stefan, when he’d proffered me his wrist after he’d drunk my blood. The only time Stefan’s blood had mixed with mine as it pulsed through my body, had been when it was absolutely necessary – when I was on death’s doorstep.

            So when Damon made a neat incision on his right wrist, and held it out to me, I licked it tentatively. Hmm, I thought, it didn’t taste as bad as I remembered. After a few more licks, satisfied that I had enough in my system to evade death if it tried to take me, any time soon, I sank back into the pillows below me, and Damon’s arms, where we lay talking about nonsense and revelling in the intimate gesture we’d just shared.

            An owl hooted from outside the window, and the wind rattled the badly fitted blinds, and Damon enveloped me with muscular arms, protecting me and shielding me from the cold. After a few moments spent in this embrace, I rolled over and picked up a cushion. Using the element of surprise, I deftly smacked Damon on the side of the head with it. He let out a surprised “Ooft” before he jumped up, and gathered an armful of pillows from the bed.

            One by one, he hurled his missiles at me, whilst I crouched under the bed, in hysterics.

            “Did you just try to attack me, Miss Gilbert?” His tone was flirtatious, but there was an element of mock surprise. “I thought I’d made it very clear that a human is no match for a vampire?”

            “Oh we’ll see about that,” I chuckled, as I jumped out of my hiding place, tackling Damon onto the bed, and lay atop him. I leant down and placed a few kisses on his lips, before taking one of the cushions from the bed and smacking him over the head with it.

            He laughed, before pushing me aside, easily and straddling me. “You really shouldn’t have done that, Elena,” he teased, as he leant down and his lips met mine.

Damon & Elena Fanfiction: A Long WeekendWhere stories live. Discover now