No License to Kill

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Stefan stood outside the motel, slouched against the sooty brick wall, his ears trying to tune in to one particular room. He wore a grubby grey hoodie, that he’d stolen from some unsuspecting teenager, a few blocks earlier, in an attempt to blend in and keep the attention away from his face; which showed his vampiric traits.

His eyes were cold, hard and bloodshot; the after effects of all the liquor he’d been drinking – after all, he’d had to work himself up until he was brave, or stupid enough, to try and kill his brother – and the bitter but distinctive intention to kill.

Stefan was no longer the person he’d been a few weeks previously. Then, he’d been a man with unfortunate circumstances, who, due to being “unlucky in love” as the expression goes, had found himself with eternal life and a constant desire for blood.

Now, he’d succumbed to the monster that Nature had made him, and you could no longer call him a person. He was a monster; a true horror; an aberration.

And this monster was on a mission. A mission to kill.

When his vampire senses tuned into the sound of Damon and Elena frolicking about in the penthouse suite, it was all he could do not to rip the heads off the unsuspecting passerby, wearing a trilby, who had just sauntered past him.

He could be over by them, rip their head off, and drain them in a matter of seconds.

But he was waiting.

The only blood that would be spilt tonight would be that of Damon.

He winced as he heard Elena laugh, and Damon let out a seductive growl.

He clenched his fists as he heard the rip of a pillow case, and the flurry of feathers that scattered the room.

He bit his tongue as he heard the distinctive sound of lips puckering and then breaking apart.

But he finally lost it, when his ears caught the sound of Elena whispering into his brother’s dainty and perfect ears, those three words.

Those three words that every girl hopes to hear, and every guy waits to be able to say when he means it.

Those three words that can make, or break a relationship.

“I love you, Damon,” Elena said, with a happy sigh.

It was then that Stefan lost it, and in a matter of seconds, he ripped the door to the penthouse suite off, and snarling and growling like a savage wild beast, he unleashed his wrath on his brother.

In a blur of anger and frustration, Stefan attacks.

Elena screams, and Stefan doesn’t even hear, he is blind with his desire to drive a stake through the heart of his brother, who has betrayed him and stolen his girl.

Damon cries out, as Stefan dislocates his shoulder, a cry filled with pain and sadness and anger.

The realisation that this is a fight to the death, that dawns on Damon’s face.

The confusion in his brother’s eyes.

The screams from Elena, begging, pleading for him to stop.

But he can’t stop until he kills Damon. He is blind with rage, and deaf with bloodlust. He is a killer. A savage.

Nothing will stop him.

Nothing will get in his way.

Elena, tears streaking down her face, ignores Damon’s cries of protest as she advances.

Stefan throws Elena aside as if she is nothing more than a rag doll.

He doesn’t stop, give her a second glance, until he notices that Damon’s attention is no longer focused into fighting him.

He follows Damon’s gaze, where he sees Elena slumped on the floor in a crumpled heap, blood trickling from a gash in her skull.

Time freezes.

Neither brother moves.

Both of them can’t hear the flurry of Elena’s heartbeat anymore, and it is this realisation that snaps Stefan out of it.

He sinks to his knees.



No. She’s not dead. She can’t be. He looks pleadingly at his brother, trying to make him do something, anything. She can’t be dead, no, screams Stefan. I can’t have killed her.

But he has. And Damon won’t look him in the eyes, instead, the two brothers kneel over the body, like an angel and the Devil, their once obvious roles reversed.

Elena is dead, Stefan cries. I killed her, he thinks.

He has no purpose anymore.

His whole existence has been shattered with a fatal blow, a blow that he delivered purely by accident, so caught up in his rage to kill Damon.

He might as well be dead, he thinks.

His voice hoarse and pleading, he turns to face his older brother, who looks at him with pure hatred, yet remains so composed in a time of such devastation.

“Kill me, brother,” Stefan pleads.

Damon rises slowly, shaking with anger, and is only too happy to oblige, as he takes the wooden stake out of Stefan’s open palm, and drives it through his brother’s heart.

There is a thud, as Stefan’s body falls to the carpeted motel room floor.

There is a clatter as Damon drops the stake he is holding, when the realisation that he has just killed his brother hits him.

There is a sob as Damon realises that the only family he has left is gone.

There is a cry of desperation as Damon realises that he is all alone.

There is blackness, as Damon’s whole world falls apart.

 This is my favourite chapter so far and I'd really love to know what you guys think of it! Delena FanFic: A Long Weekend is nearly at the end... who wants more??!! :D xoxox Beth :D

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