Chapter 3

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Transparent Eyes

Chapter 3

I woke up Saturday morning to the vibration of my phone. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 9:58, two minutes before my alarm was supposed to ring. I then grabbed my phone and answered it.


“Did I wake you up?” Patrick asked.

“Yeah, that’s okay I was going to wake up in a few minutes anyway.”

“Oh good,” he said. “I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go with us to our mountain house for the weekend. We’re leaving in a few hours.”

Patrick’s parents had a beautiful house in the mountains. They went up there often and during the summer Patrick would invite us to go with them. We all loved their house there because it was huge and we each got his/her own room! They also had a huge garden and a huge recreation room with a bar, big screen TV, and a billiard table.

“Aw I wish I could! I’m going to spend the day at my mom’s today.”

He started talking but I cut him off.

“I have the best idea!”

He paused. “What?”

“You come with me to my mom’s house. We spend the day with her then we both go to your mountain house. We’ll be there in time for dinner.”

“Perfect!” He said excitedly. “Are you sure your mom doesn’t mind though?”

“Of course not; you know she loves you.”

“Who doesn’t love me?”

“Stop being so modest. Now go pack your things and be at my place in one hour. And don’t forget your swimsuit!”

“Yes ma’am.”

I rolled my eyes and hung up. I then got out of bed, put on my contacts, and started packing my stuff. An hour later, I heard the sound of Patrick’s car as he parked in front of my house.

Patrick was the only one among us who had his driver’s license. He turned eighteen two months ago. He was older than the rest of us because before he transferred to our school in grade four, he was at a bad school and he wasn’t able to pass the grade five entrance exams at our school so they put him one class below.

“Hey,” I said as I sat in the passenger’s seat of his black Mini Cooper.

“Hi,” he replied, giving me a huge smile. He was wearing his red cap today.

“To the pool!” I exclaimed.

“You mean your mom’s house?” he teased.

“To the pool at mom’s house!”

He laughed at me and started driving. I turned on the radio and we started singing together. The ride to my mom’s house was only twenty five minutes so we were there at eleven thirty.

I kept my bag in Patrick’s car because it had my pajamas and clothes for tomorrow. I was wearing my swimsuit under my clothes and I already had clean clothes at my mom’s house for when I wanted to change later.

When my mom saw Patrick she gave him a huge hug, ignoring me.

“Hello to you too, Mom,” I said sarcastically and they laughed.

“I’m sorry your mom likes me more than she likes you,” Patrick joked and I punched his shoulder, making him scowl.

My mom then gave me a hug before all three of us went outside to the pool.

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