Chapter 8

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Transparent Eyes

Chapter 8

On Sunday my dad woke me up at around nine in the morning. He was wearing his swimsuit and his fishing hat.

“Wanna go to the beach?” He asked with a smile on his face.

I thought for a few seconds about it then nodded. I didn’t have any other plans for today so a day at the beach with my dad sounded like a good idea.

“You have twenty minutes!” He said as he left my room.

I got out of bed and opened my drawer to pick a swimsuit. I finally decided to wear my red and white striped swimsuit.

“Fifteen minutes!” I heard my dad call and I laughed as I got dressed quickly and shoved the stuff I needed into my blue beach bag.

“Three minutes!” He yelled as I grabbed my phone and sunglasses before running downstairs. When I stepped into the kitchen, my dad gave me a sandwich and I thanked him.

“You got a towel?” My dad asked as he started the car.

“Blue,” I replied flatly, glancing at my beach bag where my towel was clearly visible and he chuckled. I had no idea why he couldn’t stop this habit of asking questions he knew the answers to and he would laugh whenever I answered with ‘blue’.

I turned on the radio as we drove to the beach.

“Want to try fishing today?” He asked.

“No way,” I replied, wrinkling my nose. I didn’t have the patience for fishing. It seemed like the most boring activity in the world.

“You don’t understand how great the feeling is when you catch a fish.”

“It’s definitely not worth the long wait under the sun.”

He sighed, shaking his head.

When we arrived to the beach, my dad immediately started fishing while I sat near him, tanning. Maybe after lunch we would both go to the pool for a bit.

There were a lot of people at the beach and most of them were families since it was a Sunday. The kids were mostly in the pool, some guys were playing volleyball and tennis on the sand, and the rest of the people were either tanning or swimming in the ocean.

I put on sunscreen and insisted that my dad did too because the sun was too strong.

At around one, my dad and I went to have lunch in one of the small restaurants on the beach.

“How are things with Jeffrey?” He asked.

“I’m seeing him tomorrow. It doesn’t seem like he’s going to tell anyone.”

“Maybe he has a crush on you.”

I blushed slightly and my dad grinned.

“I don’t know…”

“Do you like him?” He asked cheekily.

“Dad this is really awkward, can we talk about something else?” I asked and he laughed, probably knowing that I did like him.

“Just be careful, alright?” He said and I nodded.

After lunch, my dad and I went to the pool for a bit. I kept on my sunglasses because people kept on splashing water and I didn’t want to get water in my eyes while wearing my contacts. I hated the fact that I could never swim in the pool because of my contacts. I could only swim in the pool at my mom’s house when Kyle was not there of course.

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