II. where she finds out he's a huge prick

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ARYÁ sighed as she sat her things down at a table at the back of the humongous library, she had homework to do. She knew if she went home she wouldn't be able to peacefully do her homework with Jessica and Keisha giggling and kissing all over each other.

Aryá was kind of jealous of their perfect relationship they'd been together since the eighth grade and hadn't broken up not once and both their parents had been suppostive of their sexual preference which in the 90's wasn't really heard of espically from black parents, nevertheless they were both happy together and Aryá was still as lonely as she was in elementary,junior high, and high school.

She pulled out her "Understanding The Human Body" book, notebook, and pencil as she began to read.

"Everything you need to know about different types of medication, what their used for, and how much to prescribe to a patient.

Nursing or being a doctor is a very important job, the life of someone else is in your hands and anything you mess up will be your fault, so you must be careful and confident. 

Know that it'll be all your fault is someone dies in your care you need to learn the basics lik-."

My eyes closed I couldn't help it the book was so boring I know I should've been studying, but I was so tired, I sighed again running a tired hand through my hair.

I grabbed a piece of gum out of my bag remembering that I had some in my bag hoping that would help me stay awake, I really wished I'd bring my  cassette tape with me a little Prince and Michael Jackson would totally help me stay awake.

I sat there thinking about how easily I could quit school and become a stripper, but then I thought about my parents and my attention went right back to my book.

"like most organisms in a human body are major functions, or how important good health is not only to your heart ,lungs, and kidney, but to yo-."

My eyes closing once again, but this time I was waken to laughter I opened my eyes to see a group of white boys standing next to a book shelf laughing about something.

My eyes catching a pair of emerald green orbs, the same weird white boy that'd been walking behind me like a creep was standing there with people I assumed were his friends.

His eyes were already darted towards me just as weirdly as they were earlier he looked at me like he'd never seen a person like me before.

I could see the curiosity in his eyes which was slightly uncomfortable with how intense he was staring at me it was like he was trying to figure me out.

Like I confused him, I'd never been eyed down by another human being much less a white boy it made me feel weird I don't think that I liked it though.

His beautiful curly locs, defined jawline,tall height, and perfectly tanned skin scared me I'd never been the least bit attracted to white guys, but he was different well atleast I hopped he was.

For his dress attire I could tell her was one of those preppy white boys, but I hoped, I just hope he was different maybe he wasn't the same as those other boys, maybe.

His blonde haired friend from earlier caught his attention as he turned to look over at his shorter friend and I turned my attention back to my book.

The white boy and his friends continued to laugh until the librarian silenced them, one of the boys with mohawk styled brown haired and a five o'clock shadow walked out waving to the small group of friends.

I knew I should've been doing my homework, but it was so hard to focus with him in the room. His entire existence was a distraction to me, he was just so different.

Once all his friend left I placed my attention on my book thinking he was following them and was also about to leave, but when I heard the sound of a chair being pulled out across from me.

I looked up to see him for the third time today staring at me with an emotionless expression.

"Can I help you",I asked rolling my eyes and closing my book.

"I don't like you",he blankly said. I was actually quite shocked I knew I should not have been because well he's white, but still I thought maybe he wasn't an asshole like the others.

Although his voice was lovely, raspy and strong I was mad who in the blue fucking hell does he think he is?

"Mhm....I don't think I care,"I said quite annoyed because I was.

"See that's why I don't like your kind you all are so sarcastic and rude",he said back rolling his eyes.

What the hell is wrong with him, what kind of person just randomly walks up to a person sits down across from them and tells them this?

Assholes or crackheads that who he apparently is one of those people or both for all I know.

I laughed did this motherfucker really just say this to me like I'm not gonna say anything "Except you were the bastard that came over here out of random just to tell me you don't like me, yet you came me rude white boy",I said as I began placing my things in my bag.

"Oh, there you go again with the white boy thing that's really rude you know, you don't have to point out I'm white",he said sounding annoyed, but what does he have to be annoyed by I mean he came over here just to mess with me and he just expected me not to do or say anything.

I rolled my eyes placing my hand on my hip "Why not yall do it all the time except ya'll call us niggers", I was so outdone with him I was ready to slap all the ignorance out of him.

"Yeah, because you all are just a bunch of nig-",I stopped him mid-sentence reaching over the table and placing my hand over his ignorant lips because if I hadn't I would've be on channel 2 news in the next five minutes.

I bottled up ALL the rage and anger I wanted to release on this fool and as calmly, but still with an attitude said "Listen here white boy I ain't no nigger and my people we ain't no niggers either were just human beings with darker skin than you white people ya'll are just too ignorant to understand that", I took my hand away from his lips grabbed my bag and walked away hopefully leaving the evergreen eyed bastard speechless.

I was so angry I couldn't even think straight who says those types of things, who does those kinds of things?

White people that was the only reasonable answer, who else would do something that stupid.


Bro, this shit was literally soo, fucking funny to me cause Aryá is basically me.

Anyways Harry a creep and Aryá ready to bta, I'm really glad you guys like this story like I do.

Love ya





Afrocentric princess

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