III. where he catches a case of jungle fever

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(a/n: damn she's so gorgeous 😻👌🏾💕)


"WHAT'S her problem",I smirked I knew why she was pissed and I knew why I couldn't help it pissing off people black peoples me especially was one of my favorite things.

Call me an asshole I honestly don't care I haven't cared or shown emotion about anything in a long time.

Ever since my parents decided money and traveling was more important than their child I've wanted nothing more than to hurt everyone else. You can say I got the whole rich boy with parent's who could care less if he shot up the whole school situation going on.

Now I had to admit that girl was decent looking for a black girl, but she'd never be my type black women are just too barbaric for me their loud, and every time they get in an argument with them they have to bring up Civil Rights and slavery like who cares?

My face still holding a smile as I walked about of the library.

Since I was kind of hungry and bored I decided is go to "The Hop" a restaurant a few blocks down.

As I started to walk my smile started to fade away and my thoughts began to consuming my brain. For the weirdest reason I couldn't get that girl out of my head. She did have some beautiful dark brown eyes and her radiant dark brown skin did look silky and smooth like cocoa.

I shook my head "no Harry no you don't like that nasty thing it's not even a real person", I thought to myself as I waited at the stop sign for all the cars to pass.

I couldn't help, but let her run through my mind I felt sick maybe she'd cursed me with her black magic or evil voodoo because I Harry Edward Styles don't like niggers especially not one of those things they call women.

Relief swept over me once I saw "The Hop" on the opposite side of the street my thoughts would be cleared of the darkie and food would consume my thoughts.

I looked both ways before walking across the street the smell of good cookings filled my nose.

"Hey, Harry",Heather one of the waitress said waving and smiling at me.

"Hey, Heather",I smiled waving back finding a seat next to a window.

"What would you like to drink today",she asked placing a menu on my table.

"Lemonade",I said grabbing the menu.

"Okay, I'll be right back",she smiled winking at me I just laughed.

"I hope she doesn't think I want her just because we had sex over the summer a few times",I thought looking through the menu.

"Here's your lemonade",Heather suddenly popped out my me jump.

"Woah, Heather you scared me",I laughed.

"Sorry daddy, ",she winked smiling at me placing the glass of lemonade on my table.

"Heather not here",I smirked .

She giggled "i can't help you turn me on"she said biting her lip.

I smirked, her boss walked by before I could say anything else she straightened up asked me what I wanted to eat, i told her and she walked away winking at me one last time.

I looked around the smallish cafe it wasn't a high end restaurant,but it was nice and cozy it was the one place I went and didn't feel pressured to be someone else or didn't have to tell anyone how much money my parents have.

It was peaceful everyone was nice the food was amazing it took my mind off my fucked up life.

After a little while longer of sitting the thinking and just enjoying the peace and quiet Heather brung my cheeseburger, french fries, and chocolate milkshake.

"WHO LET THAT NIGGER GAL TOUCH MY FOOD",some yelled I turned to see a older overweight white man yelled as he throw his plate to the ground.

The girl from the library erupted from behind the kitchen.

"Is there a problem,sir",She surprisingly said calmly cleaning her hands in her apron.

"YES",he yelled at her. "I DON'T WANT YOUR NASTY NIGGER HANDS OR HAIR IN MY FUCKING FOOD", he yelled pointing at her.

"Okay, sir we'll have someone white make your food for you",she smiled.

He looked at her wide eyed as though she was insane shocked that she hadn't yelled back or reacted in an ignorant way I was shocked as well how could she not yell back at him what was wrong with her?

She looked at me her doe colored eyes were quite beautiful since the sun had hit them she smiled at me seeing my also shocked facial expression.

She turned walking back into the kitchen.

The older man continued to stare still in complete shock.

I finished my food paying for it and leaving still confused.

That girl always seemed to amaze and confuse me how could she be so, completely unbothered by his harsh tone and rude comments.

How could she hold her head up high and smile like everything was perfectly fine? 

There's was something special about that darkie that kept her on my mind.


Soooo this past week has been crazy I got a new phone  so I've been finding out how to use it then I had a choir Pre-UIL performance then STAAR testing stars in four weeks meaning updates will be slow and probably won't come until the end of the week and then I might be moving soon. So as you can see I got a lot of shit on my plate not to mention school drama and family drama so please be patient with olé girl.

Love y'all, fam  💖😻





Afrocentric princess

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