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Luke went to his first house party that Friday night. He didn't really want to, but in the end he didn't really have a choice.

He walked down the halls that morning listening to every conversation he passed by. And, as always, everybody was talking about Ashton Irwin's infamous house parties. The varsity lacrosse team had won their game on Wednesday, which meant they were now moving on to the state-wide game against Baltimore next week. Their tiny hometown's high school had the potential to move on to the national championships, and Ashton was throwing a party at his house tonight to celebrate.

He's usually the one to throw the town's house parties for a few reasons: his house is huge, his parents never seem to care, he knows people that can get him all the alcohol he wants, and everybody fucking loves him.

Luke heard the words everywhere he went. Everybody who's anybody will be going tonight, but Luke didn't have even the slightest desire to be anywhere near that house party. Luke's never even been to any kind of party to begin with; he attended maybe three birthday parties as a child, and the only reason why he was invited was because they were for his cousins.

And why would Luke want to go to Ashton's house party? Luke has been able to avoid him every day this week since he blew up at him on Monday, and Luke was intending to keep it that way. He's also been avoiding Sam at all costs as well, because he didn't want Ashton to know that Sam still talks to him, despite what her boyfriend said.

Luke went to her house last night, and he tutored her in chemistry. Nothing more. He tutored her, helped her study for her quiz, and then went home. She wanted him to stay for dinner, but Luke refused. What with her only living a few doors down the street from Ashton, he was afraid of being spotted with his girlfriend the entire time he was over there. Sam understood, and Luke said he would work on not worrying so much, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to improve.

Sam told Luke that she got it all under control, and Luke believed her. He hoped she wasn't lying to him. He would feel yucky about doing this all behind Ashton's back.

Anyways, as Luke was walking down the hall to his first period class, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his headphones in, he stopped when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Luke spun around and came face to face with Sam, who smiled up at him as she tugged his right headphone out.

"Whatcha listening to?" she asked, sticking it into her ear. Her smile grew bigger and she bopped her head to the side. "I love The Used."

"Of course you do," Luke chuckled under his breath, still surprised that Sam knows literally every band that he's into. He paused his music and took a quick look around, making sure that neither Ashton nor any of his friends were around. "Hi."

"Hi!" Sam said happily. She must've noticed Luke looking around to make sure the coast was clear. "Don't worry, Ashton's not here yet. Anyways, I wanted to ask you something really quickly. It's important."

"Oh - uh, sure," Luke nodded. "What's up?"

"Well, I need your help," She said slowly. "You know that party that's gonna happen tonight?"

Luke arched an eyebrow. "Yeah...?"

Sam stared up at him desperately, letting out a sigh. "Can you come with me?"

"What? No," Luke stammered, vigorously shaking his head. "No way."

"Please?" she begged, taking both of Luke's wrists in her hands. "Luke, they're always so boring. All my friends always leave me to go hook up with boys."

"Then hook up with Ashton while you're there," Luke turned his back to Sam and started towards his math class again. "I don't do parties."

"Perfect! I don't either!" Sam trailed behind on his heels until she was skidding to a halt in front of him. "Please, Luke? Just come and hang out with me there. And if we get bored we can leave and do something else."

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