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Sam was sitting in her english class, bored out of her mind, when her phone vibrated in her back pokcet.

Her teacher was talking on and on about Shakespeare at the front of the room, and Sam assumed by his excitement over Macbeth that he wouldn't notice if she took her phone out.

Stealthily, she slid the device out of her pocket and peeked at it under the desk.

Puke Hemmings: My car, 11:30?

Sam looked at the clock on the wall near the door. It was 11:23.

Samwich Simmons: Okay

Mr. Williams was still preaching to the class about the beauty of Shakespeare. "...And what you have to understand, class, is that literature-"

"Mr. Williams?" Sam blurted out, raising her hand into the air.

The teacher stopped and looked back at Sam, twisting the cap on his Expo marker from side to side. "Yes, Sam?"

She hated interrupting the class like this, but she was too eager to care. "May I go to the bathroom?"

"Oh. Sure. The sign-out sheet is by the door," Mr Williams said. "You sure you want to miss this? The play's about to get really exciting!"

"Yeah, I'm positive." She chuckled as she slid out of her chair, fumbling with her phone in her hands. She stuck it into her pocket and signed her name off on the paper beside the door, trying her best to ignore the 30 pairs of eyes that pierced the back of her neck. She hoped none of her friends in this class would be suspicious of where she's going.

With one swift push of the door, Sam was out of the class and halfway down the stairs within 10 seconds. Once she was out of the english building, she dashed across campus with her combat boots thumping eagerly on the ground, slowing down everytime she passed another student or staff member.

When she reached the top of the stairs that led down to the senior parking lot, she did one last look over her shoulders to make sure no one was watching her. Thankfully, no one was.

Sam let her hair out of its pony tail as she tiptoed through the rows of cars, looking for Luke's old black Jeep. She fixed her hair, smoothed down the wrinkles on her skirt, and checked her makeup with the front camera of her phone.

She finally spotted Luke's car towards the end of the lot. He was leaned up against it with his arms over his chest, looking around casually. When his eyes fell upon her he smiled, and Sam smiled back.

"Hi," she said, stopping a few feet in front of him. She put her hands on her hips and wiggled her eyebrows. "You down to fuck, or nah?"

Chuckling, Luke wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the lips. Sam grinned and brought her hands up, feeling the stubble along his chin with her fingertips.

With their bodies stuck together and their mouths moving in sync, Sam and Luke rested themselves against the passenger door of Luke's car and went at each other hungrily. Luke drove his tongue into her mouth and run his hands down her sides. She giggled and jumped up into his arms as he put both hands in her back pockets and gave her butt a squeeze.

Luke lifted Sam up onto the hood of his car, not daring to part his lips from hers. She laid back and rested her hands on his chest as he gently kissed her along her jaw.

Paralyzed ▹ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now