Life In Color

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Hello and welcome to chapter two! I've been to the beach with my gal pals recently, so I've had extra inspiration :) I hope you enjoy this, cuz I enjoy writing it. By the way, Avery is so awkward, so so awkward. Aren't we all though? If you're a tumblr girl follow me @jjmintyfresh1d, I'll follow back. Okay I think that's all for now, oh and never take Chemistry over the summer... my brain feels like rice pudding or something unintelligent like that.





Life In Color

Avery’s P.O.V.

I woke up with my eyes closed, unable to move them from all the makeup I had forgotten to take off the other day. Rubbing my eyes, I swung my legs out from the warm covers of the bed, and placed my feet on the surprisingly cool floor.

With a sigh I walked over to the conjoining bathroom and examined the damage. My hair was sticking out from all ends, my eyeliner had migrated everywhere making me look like a raccoon, and I was pretty sure I had morning breath.

As I began to comb my hair I thought back to the day before: soaring off to Los Angeles, becoming friends with Evan, getting thrown out of my so called apartment, realizing that I was hopelessly lost, finding Tom’s bookstore, meeting Zayn... I wonder if I’ll ever see him again. Wait, the book! Zayn said we could discuss the book when I’ve finished it. Quickly, I tried to calculate how long it would take to finish it. Fifty pages a day for five days will do it. But how long will it take me to read fifty pages? Two hours? Do I have that kind of time? I shook my head, trying to get this math out of my head. I’m on summer break for goodness sakes, why am I doing math?! I brushed my teeth and examined myself in the mirror one last time before getting dressed for the day.

I walked into the kitchen to find the amazing smell of fried eggs and bacon. Mmmmm. Turning to my left I was startled by the presence of a boy in an apron, cooking the food on the stovetop. His milk chocolate-colored hair was cut short, but had enough to push up in the front. The boy’s brown eyes gleamed with a sense of kindness, and he smiled warmly at me.

“How’d you sleep girl?” A girl’s voice, not belonging to the boy, sounded.

I turned my head to the right and found Evan sitting on top of the counter with plates and cups littered beside her.

“I don’t really remember,” I answered shyly.

Evan hopped off the counter and walked over to me to put her arm around my neck.

“Ain’t she just the cutest Liam?”

“She’s adorable Evan, I was worried for a moment that you picked up a hobo or something, but she seems very nice,” He said sarcastically, but smiled once again, flipping over some bacon.

“Told you!” Evan shouted, then turned her attention towards both Liam and me, “Avery, meet Liam.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Liam.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

Evan rolled her eyes, “You two are too polite, goodness. This summer I’ll have to teach you guys how to be rowdy!”

Liam gave me a worried glance, and I shrugged, “She’s your girlfriend, shouldn’t you expect these sorts of things?”

“I never know what to expect.”

Evan leaned over to place a light kiss to Liam’s lips, “That’s right, I’m never boring.”

Now it was Liam’s turn to roll his eyes, “Come on girls, breakfast is ready.”

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