The Legal System

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The legal system is key in creating a democracy. It is what helps the society stay together, stop riots and punish those who choose not to follow it. The legal system sets rules so people aren't confuse or arguing what's right or wrong. The legal system will also keep a society in check/organize so that everything isn't all over the place.

The legal system gives citizens of a society a sense of safety, a security blanket. I feel without a legal system, the world would be in a complete chaos. There would be no order and everyone would do as they please. No one would be safe and having to look out your window to make sure no one is trying to break in or steal your car isn't a life. I know for myself, that having the legal system makes me feel safe, not only for me but my family.

The legal system helps keep in everything in order. It helps people know when to do stuff and know right from wrong. The legal system will help teach children how to behave in a society and what not to do. The legal system will show people when they can start voting and the consequences of opposing the law. It can also install fear within people so they know that if something happens, the law will take it serious and there will be consequences.

It would be pretty hard for a society to run without a political system or education system, but we would still be able to,  but if a legal system was not placed in a society, it probably wouldn't survive. There would be no order and complete chaos everywhere. We as people are not so evolved and civilized. Without any type of rules set in stone, the world would be a cold and dark place. 

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