Rights & Responsibilities in a Democracy

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Every individual has the right and freedom of religion. If a student gets up and leaves a classroom during the singing of "O Canada," why not? If the student feels that strongly about their religion and that they should abide only to it, he/she should be able to. No one can be told what religion to listen to if they don't believe in it. Listening to another religion such as the case with "O Canada" song can be seen as disrespectful to their religion.

The problems that can arise from a student leaving a classroom during the singing of "O Canada" are being disrespectful of not only Canadians but Canada. Fellow classmates may not understand why that particular student has to leave and may end up being out-casted. Others might see it as why did that student come to Canada if their not willing to stay for the singing of "O Canada."

Canada is a multi-cultural nation with all kinds of backgrounds, ethnicity and religions. There is not just one religion, background or ethnic color, resulting in different beliefs. We're not all going to believe in the same thing, and when problems arise such as in this case, we must respect it because it's their decision and they have the right to do it as well. We cannot force a person to believe in what we want them to; it is up to that student and only that student to decide what he/she believes in.

The is why Canada is such a great place for a person to live. We are such a multi-cultural nation with different everything. Being different doesn't make Canada bad, it makes us unique and shows we are able to accept being different.

Anyone would be luck to live in Cnaada

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