TNS Prizes

474 33 4

Ready to see the goodies we have prepared for you?

We are certain you have waited long enough...

1st Place:

- "Soul-mate" e-book by Anna Santos,

- TNS Monster Mug,

- Shout-out by TNS authors,

- Review in "Books for Breakfast",

- TNS reading list addition,

- 1st place TNS sticker,

- Interview with the winner for authors' blogs,

- Dedication in TNS authors' books,

- TNS follow.

2nd Place:

- New book cover for Wattpad,

- Review,

- TNS reading list addition,

- Shout-out by TNS authors,

- TNS follow,

- A dedication in TNS authors' books.

3rd Place:

-Shout-out by TNS authors,

- Reading list addition,

- Dedication in TNS authors' books.

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