First Contest Finalists!

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Here are the results for the #TNS contest for the Best Opening Scene! Are you ready?

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Here are the results for the #TNS contest for the Best Opening Scene! Are you ready?

1st - "The Dark Witch" by RowenaBlack


- "Soul-mate" e-book by Anna Santos,

- TNS Monster Mug,

- Shout-out by TNS authors,

- Review in "Books for Breakfast",

- TNS reading list addition,

- 1st place TNS sticker,

- Interview with the winner for authors' blogs,

- Dedication in TNS authors' books,

- TNS follow.

2nd - "The Phoenix Pharaoh: Rise From the Ashes" by miss-gatsby


- New book cover for Wattpad,

- Review,

- TNS reading list addition,

- Shout-out by TNS authors,

- TNS follow,

- A dedication in TNS authors' books.

3rd - "Devil's Lake" by Light-in-darkness


-Shout-out by TNS authors,

- Reading list addition,

- Dedication in TNS authors' books.


We wish to congratulate all winners of our first Killer Contest. A big thank you to: Bella Higgin (bella_higgin) for being the contest's guest judge. Recently, she started uploading her new book "Forever Night" which is the third instalment of her "When Darkness Falls" series!

We also wish to thank Anna Santos (AnnaSantos5) for giving us a free copy of her book "Soul-Mate" for the 1st place winner. Anna is a Paranormal Romance and Fantasy author here on Wattpad as well as a published author. Her works keep many awake at night and craving more.

Thank you everyone who had entered. There were a lot of amazing entries and it truly was hard to select the top three.


With this, the first contest is concluded. The winners will be contacted through PM. Interviews with the winners will be conducted separately as each of us has a different blog and schedule.

We hope to see everyone again soon,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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