Chapter 6 : Two more ?

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I exit my classroom and head to the library.

Surprisingly, I find the guys sitting at a table talking quietly. I head over immediately. "Hey guys.",I say taking a seat.

"Hey babe.",said Xavi. The others smiled acknowledging my presence.

"What are you guys doing in here. Like seriously, your presence in here is literally ironic.",I said chuckling.

"This is where we met.",said Keanon.

"I know, I thought the same thing when I met you.",I said.

"Ha ha",he said dryly. I smiled innocently.

"So, answer my question.",I said.

"We're discussing the arrival of the twins.", said Parker.

Twins ?

"What twins ?",I questioned.

"You see, shorty, there are seven of us. It's just that the twins had a little situation to take care of, so they had to come down here after we did.",said Xavi.

I wondered what the "little situation", that might have been.

"Oh cool. But seven ? That's a lot, don't you think ? I can barely handle five of you.", I said sounding stressed.

"Hey ! They are my older brothers.",said Nyjah proudly.

"Really ?",I asked.

"Yep, older by ten months."

Damn his parents couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"What are their names ?", I asked no one specific. "Blaze and Bash Hererra", answered Aiden.

That's when it clicked to me. I didn't know any of the guys' last names. Oh crap. Embarrassing.

"Guys what are your last names ?",I asked obviously ashamed of myself.

"It's cool babe .",said Xavi.

"Mine is Perez, Xavi's is Cavelli, Aiden's is Marqueziño. You already know Nyjah's is Hererra.",said Parker. They all had hot last names too.

"Ok, cool.",I said.

"So when are the twins coming ?",I said.

"Tomorrow.",said Xavi.

Oh no, I'm not ready.

"What if they don't like me.",I say panicking.

"They're gonna love you. We told them about you. Besides, they love anything I love.",said Nyjah smiling.

This boy is adorable. I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"See guys,I told you she liked me most.",he said confidently. I gasped and slapped him upside the head. We all started laughing. I was still feeling a little on edge about the twins. I mean, I appreciate what Nyjah said, but what if it's different with them. I was kinda scared to be honest. The bell rang interrupting my thoughts.

I got up and told the guys goodbye and then I headed to my next class, Art.

Art finally ended.

My teacher was being a pain.

I turn the corner to head to the cafeteria only to see Tianna, Reaghan, Chutni, Alani, Albany and the boy who started it all, Jared King.

I start turning the other direction hoping to go unnoticed. But of course, my luck was down today.

"Well well well, if it isn't the little slut.",said Jared.

My Bad Boy Gang:The Bad Boys Taught MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang