Chapter Two

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"My love.....wake up.....I need you word of agreement..." A soothing voice pulls me from my deep sleep

Groaning I push my face deeper into the soft mountain of pillows and pull the thick blanket over my head

"Skylar if you don't get up I'll tickle you." He warns

I shoot up and stare at him with wide eyes

"Are you dressed?" He asks, looking at me with a raised brow

Looking down at myself I notice only the blanket is between him and my bare chest

Shaking my head I wrap the blanket around my body and pull on some sweats along with a baggy shirt

Peppermint and cigarette smoke

"You look amazing in my clothes." He purrs his arms snaking around my waist

I let out a little gasp and stare up at his towering figure

"What did you need me for Alpha...?" I question

"My name is George my love." He chuckles

"What did you need me for....George...." I mumble, chewing on my bottom lip

He holds my chin and leans in extremely close, "Stop doing that."

He takes my hand and leads me down a large staircase and behind a large metal door with has a deadlock on it

"W-Why are we back here? Have I done something wrong?" I whimper my heart hitting my chest at a phenomenal speed

"No no no no no my love. Calm down." George whispers kissing my forehead

A purr erupts from my chest and I cling to his torso

"I need you to confirm something for me." He sighs opening a large door

Seeing my step-mother, my step-brother and my dad I scream and jump on George, my heart pace speeding up again

He slams the door and wraps his arms around my shaking body

"I just wanted to know...I'm sorry my love. I went through your file and found out where you came from, I had to know where all of those marks came from. Now I know, now I can end that problem by putting them to death after they tried sneaking onto my land early this morning when we were resting.." He explains

I curl up in his arms, my head buried in the crook of his neck

"Are you hungry?" He asks

"Yeah....just a little....I could do with some waffles and bacon..." I shrug

"My woman knows what she likes..." He laughs

As we enter the kitchen I see a man in a nice white shirt and puffy white hat

"What you like to eat my Luna?" He asks, bowing slightly

"Bacon and waffles please!!!" I squeal

George kisses my temple and laughs at me, sitting me on a stool on the counter

I watch in wonder as the chef cooks my breakfast and places it in-front of me

He strides off and soon returns with a cup of black coffee, a bowl of strawberries and a small pot of syrup

"How did you know?" I ask frowning

"George had me read your file on your favourite foods and times of day you like to eat..."

Mated to a control freak AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now