chapter 9

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Heyaa! I am terribly sorry for the delay! But it was just a day, again! Hope I am forgiven ?? :P

And guys, I need at least 4 to 5 days for me to update! Chapters don't fly ! I need to write them down! And writing this book is not my only job! I also have other stuffs to do ! I am fairly fast in updating compared to so many people who hardly update! So please don't complain!

I had been on a trekking trip and I am in terrible physical pain,in spite of that , I made it a point to update ! So, it really does annoy when you guys say that I am late in updating. I am updating faster than I expected and I am not being appreciated for it, instead I am getting complaints! Sorry for being rude, but I just wanted to make this point clear !

Sorry for the long rant :P

*Happy Reading*

Maya's POV

I saw Rishi kissing the life out of...Tani

"Rishi?" I gasped

Rishi pulled away from Tani and Tani looked flustered. She quickly grabbed her wallet which was lying on his table and started walking out.

"Tani! Wait!" I stopped her. But she totally ignored me and stormed out of his office.

I turned to Rishi. He was raking his fingers through his hair to re style his messed up hair.

"Care to enlighten me?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"Why should I?" He growled.

"You were kissing Arjun's sister and you won't even explain?"

"She might be Arjun's sister to you but she is Tani to me! So get lost!" He sneered.

"Rishi! She is married!" I pointed out.

"I know! I fucking know that damn it!" He banged his hand on the table. The sudden loud sound made me move a step back. I have never seen him so furious, ever .

"You love her?" I realized and asked doubtfully

He laughed "Oh my innocent Maya! You are still so naive! We just kissed and you concluded that we were in love ?" He was calm now. What was happening to him??

"I...err...I don't know?" It was more of a question than a statement.

He sighed and sat on his seat "Your dad has been waiting for you. We'll talk later!"

"This conversation is not over yet,alright?" I said to which he didn't respond at all. I wasn't going to let this go that easily! He can't just mess around with Tani! He should be having a good explanation for having kissed a married woman.

I left his cabin with so many doubts running in my mind.

Just as I was entering the elevator, I bumped into a hard chest and literally hurt my nose.

"Oww" I yelped slightly and looked up to see the six footed man standing in front of me. He smiled at me amused. I just hurt my nose and he was smiling?

"Are you okay?" He asked and the smile didn't leave his cleanly shaven, handsome face.

"Yes" I said and I quickly got into the elevator. Just when the doors closed I heard his voice "I'm sorry, gorgeous!"

His words only made me roll my eyes.

In few seconds, I entered dad's cabin and he gestured me to take my seat while he was on a call. I patiently waited for him to finish his call.

"How was your night with Ria?" He asked me the second he hung up. Was he testing me or does he really know the truth?

"It was good" I commented.

"It should have been a good break for you, right?" He asked to which I nodded positively.

"You did a pretty good job in organizing the gala!" He said

"Thanks dad" A goofy grin was plastered on my face. Dad actually liked it!

"I saw Arjun yesterday at the party" he stopped to take in my reactions but the smile on my face disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"He has moved on, Maya" he exclaimed.

"I know, dad" .

"Who was that girl with him?" He asked

"She is Katherine. She is Tani's best friend" I explained.

"Are they married?" He questioned

"No" I answered and he sighed .

He walked towards my seat and stood beside me. He held my hand in his' .

"Maya, listen to me before objecting" he coaxed

"Okay" I said.

"Karan's son is back from The United States after his higher studies. His name is Ajay" Uncle Karan was dad's best friend. He was married to Aunt Shalini who was my mom's best friend from high school. But I have never met Ajay even once!

"Karan wants you to meet Ajay"

"Dad! Are you trying to set me up?" I asked

"Maya! Let me finish!" He raised his voice and suddenly I felt so stupid. Why would dad even set me up with someone?

"Karan and Shalini are like family to me and your mom. We weren't able to refuse them when they wanted you to meet Ajay. They wanted even our children to become friends like us." Dad suggested. I know how much they meant to my parents.

"Okay" I agreed and my acceptance earned a big grin from my dad and he enveloped me in a hug.

"Ajay will pick you up at five in the evening from your work"

"Dad but I-"

"I know you work at The Kings and Queens" he clarified and smiled proudly. "It's good that you have decided not to run away from your fears!" He said and kissed my forehead.

It felt good to talk to dad after a long time. I really missed him.

I was already two hours late to work. Just when I stepped in The Kings and Queens office, the so called 'receptionist' marched towards me.

"You are late by two hours! Boss wants to meet you !" She informed me but I can read the fact that she was happy, knowing that I was going to face Arjun's wrath.

When I reached Arjun's cabin, I knocked on his door.

"Come in" I heard his serious voice. He must be very furious.

I opened the door and slowly entered his cabin. He was working on his laptop. His blazer hung on the head rest of his seat. He didn't look up to me even once.

"You are late" he stated.

"I know" I said.

"What is the reason?" He still did not spare a glance at me! Like I care.

"I plan to keep that to myself. But this won't happen again" this statement of mine made him snap his head up to me.

"I don't give a damn anyway! I want you to design a proposal based on the profits that we have to maintain. I have mailed you the details regarding the deal. We need to secure this deal at any cost, Maya! Do you get it?"

"Yes" I quickly replied

"This deal is very important to me. I don't want you to mix our personal problems with this deal"

"Practice what you preach" I retorted. The nerves of this man! He was the one who married me just to take over my Grand dad's company. He was the one who mixed his personal relationship just for money and he was advising me not to do it. So he had no right in this world to advice me of any such thing.

He laughed, having something in mind. What was he laughing about?

"But, you may never know! What if I use this deal for a revenge?" I asked and his laughter stopped.

"Try me and I will have Sharp and Measure closed" he said and that shut all the evil plans running in my head .I would never let anything happen to Sharp and Measure!

"By when do you want the proposal done?" I asked

"By the end of the day" he answered and resumed his work in his laptop.

"Thank you" I said and his deep voice stopped me from opening the door.

"You forgot your panties at my place"

My face turned into the deepest shade of red. How the hell did I forget it??

I didn't turn to look at him, knowing if I turn, he wouldn't spare a chance in teasing me.

In few seconds, when my breathing turned normal, I slowly turned to face him.

"You told me that you didn't fuck me yesterday, but why was I naked?" I asked.

"I stripped you" he smirked, still his gaze not leaving the laptop.

"Why?" I asked

"I wanted to see you naked" his smoky black eyes caught mine.

I felt my face turning hot. I wanted the ground to swallow me then and there.

He suddenly laughed and it felt melodic to my ears. I have never seen him laugh so heartily.

"Relax! I was just kidding! You had puked all over your dress . I had the maid strip your clothes" he explained when I finally felt my heart finally beating. But he was still laughing looking at my face.

"Very funny" I snorted and barged out of his cabin.

Designing the proposal almost consumed my entire day. Just when I was about to put the proposal papers in the locker, my phone buzzed with a message from dad.

'Ajay is waiting for you at the reception. Don't make him wait for long. Have a nice dinner'

'Sure! I am on my way' I replied back, quickly grabbed all my things and left my cabin. I entered the reception and I saw no one except the man who hurt my nose in the morning.

What was he doing here? Was he stalking me or something? Maybe I was over reacting. So, I just I shrugged it off.

Where did Ajay go? Dad said that he was waiting at the reception. When I was about to call dad to inquire about Ajay, I heard a male voice.

"Hello Maya" I looked up from my phone to face him. How did this man who broke my nose, knew my name?

"How do you-"

"Ajay" he said confidently, holding out his hand for a shake which I returned nervously.

He was Ajay?? Perfect! Please note the sarcasm.

"So you are Ajay?" Realization dawned in me.

"Yes" he smiled cockily and it annoyed me to a great extent.

"Why don't we talk more about ourselves over a dinner?" He suggested.

Why don't you just go away?

"Sure" I responded against my thoughts.

We walked towards his car and it was a royal black jaguar. This man was all about money, unlike Uncle Karan.

He opened the door for me like a perfect gentleman and just when I was about to enter the car, I heard Arjun's voice. What did I do now?

"Maya!" He screamed.

I turned and looked at his red face.
"Where are you going and who is he?" He asked, passing a disgusted look at Ajay.

"Who are you mister?" Ajay intruded.

"Ajay! Wait!" I stopped him. Ajay looked at me waiting for an explanation "He is the CEO of The Kings and Queens" I clarified

"But that doesn't give him the right to shout at you" he pointed out.

"I know! Relax okay?" I tried to calm him down.


Arjun intruded before Ajay could reply "You aren't done with the proposal yet! Better get back to work" Arjun commanded.

"I am done with it and I have mailed you the proposal" I said and got into the passenger seat of the car and shut the door.

"We can leave Ajay" I said and Ajay nodded and got into the driver's seat.

The car soon came to life and halted with fifteen minutes at a high class five star restaurant.

We entered the restaurant and then I knew that our dinner was going to be a rough one for the man seated opposite to a beautiful woman wasn't going to let me be in peace.

It was Arjun and Katherine.

Heyaa!! How was the chapter?? So, Arjun is back in action ;)

What do you think this dinner is going to end up in??

Keep guessing!

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I Was Never Yours,MR.CEO(To Be Published)Where stories live. Discover now