Imagine 10: Listen.

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Imagine 10: Listen.

Harry's POV.

"Thanks again sir. Bye." I said to the producer as I left the studio.

Today was a long day. One of the longest and stressed days I ever had.

Since Zayn left, people have been pressing me.

I have to say that it was right because if they wouldn't, I would have never thought I could reach such of high notes but the stress is growing.

For lucky I can come back home with Y/N and I know she can listen to me and my stressful day.

She will give me one of her great advices and I'll just relax in her arms as we cuddle watching movies.

But there's something I've never thought; it would be different.

My day was from bad to worse since the traffic catched me but there was a reason that would always change everything and make it worth it; her.

I opened the door of our house and walked through the halls until I reached the living room where she was in the laptop.

"Hey baby! I'm finally here. It surprised me that you didn't called in the whole day."

It took me some moment to notice it, but I did.

"Oh my god.." I mumbled as i ran closer to her and get on my knees to take her cheeks in my hands.

"What happened babe?" Tears streamed down her face.
No emotion in her eyes. Nothing else but sadness.

"What's going on?"

There was no answer.

"Y/N! Answer me! Say something! What's going on?!" I yelled as I shaked somehow gently her shoulders.

She just gave a fast stare at the laptop, and I knew it.

"No.. you didn't! I told you to never do that! Why you did it?! Why?!"

"I-i don't know. I was just curious, a-and t-then.."

"I told you it was not good in any way! It doesn't matter if you're curious! Will you ever listen to me?!"

And that's when it happened.

There was something else in her eyes now. Something more than tears.

I broke her, but instantly the guilt grew in my chest.

Her eyes disconnected of mines and she gave an absent look to the ground.

"No.. okay.. listen I-"

"No!" She suddenly yelled in my face.

"No Harry! No! I won't listen to you! You tell me to listen to you when I do it all the time and now, right now, this time, when it's me the one who is not having fun, you can't listen!"

Guilt took everything from my chest but my heart, and instead, it took my eyes and drops of guilt fell.

"I listen Harry, I do! More than what I should! The worse is that when I am having a bad day I can't discuss it with you! I don't do it cause I know you're overwhelmed and worrying about my problems won't help in any way but, I guess you don't worry so.. here we are." Her expression clearly showed hurt.

She didn't meant those words, I was sure.

"That's not true.." I managed to say. "You know it's not like that."

"Do I? Listen Harry, I.."

She took a deep breath.

"I'm so done.." she whispered but I heard. I clearly did. Her voice was broken as mine.

"What?" My eyes went wide as she walked away.

"I'm done!"

"No! That's not true! Not at all!"

"How do you know?! You never listen, but now you do?"

"Y/N, stop saying these things, I-" I get closer to her but I stopped as her hands grabbed something I've never thought would.

A knife.

"Okay.. Y/N, calm down.. liste-"

"No! I won't listen!! You need to listen! You need to listen to me! You need to listen what they say."


"Everybody. They say I'm not enough for you, that I am just another girl on your list. They say I don't have your style, and they say that all of your exes were a miracle compared with me."

"Babe.. how much articles and comments you've been reading?"

She exhaled.

"I'm done Harry.. I'm so done with everything.." her hands relaxed a bit and I took the chance.

"Look me in the eyes. Say it again, cause I'm not done with you!"

My hands grabbed the knife and throw it away as she was looking for the words in a deep look into my eyes and I just pushed her close.

Suddenly she started to cry, just like me.

"Harry.. I'm so sorry." She managed to say.

"Shh.. it's fine.." I whispered as I caressed her hair.

"I'm so sorry. How is that I grabbed a knife? I-i'm getting crazy.."

"No, no.. shh.." I kissed her head as she cried still in my arms.

"Yeah i'm getting crazy.." She cried in my arms but I pushed her away still grabbing her soft arms.

"So am I.." I replied smiling.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you" I whispered.

The End.

Hey! So this imagine maybe looks weird to some of you but I wanted to write about that kind of love that is passionate, crazy, and real I should say.
I wanted to show how intense it can be sometimes. In good ways and bad ones, but still being love.

I want to add that if any of you send hate to someone, please don't. I used to with Kendall Jenner and I have to say I don't like her at all but at least I respect the fact that she's a person as all of Harry's exes and, whoever gets in his road (in the love context).
We don't know these girls, and not just with Harry, with everyone in your life.
Don't judge people for their looks or mistakes. Once you really get to know them, maybe you change your mind but if you don't want to be judged, don't judge.

Thanks for reading. You always make my day. All his love. x

Love, Fiore.

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