Chapter 9

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The injection made my wrist feel numb, nothing I wasn't use to though. "So what do I do now," I asked not knowing whether to wait till the injection wears off or attack the Alpha first.

"You look calm," he stated staring at me oddly.

He grabbed my arm which I instantly pull out of going to into a slight defensive stand. "Sorry didn't mean to just grab you, I want to bring you somewhere," he stated looking at me hopefully.

I eyed him up and nodded my head. "Love, I'll be back in about twenty minutes," he announce. An 'ok' was echoed through the room.

He opened the door and let me go through first. As we walked to the elevator we went to the first floor and quickly went outside.

"You're aware that at any moment I could kill you correct?" I asked, he chuckled lightly," I know alright, but I think you are starting to accept me," he said with a grin.

Nathaniel POV

She look conflicted through her eyes ever since I gave her the injection

I sensed her following me as I brought me way to the forest to a calm area to where a park was.

I stopped by the lake as the sunset glistened off it, turning my head I say her walk up and just stare at the pond for a good thirty seconds. "Why did you bring me to a pond," she asked staring at the turtle that had raised from the bottom.

"What do you think of this place," I asked her disregarding her question.

"It's beautiful I guess," she shrugged as if she could not find the right words to put into it as she tilted her head to the side as she observed the small fishes.

"I never actually observed a lake before," she stated as she squatted down to the edge of the pond bringing her fingers to it creating ripples throughout.

A growl echoed through the forest full of anger, she brought her head up slowly tensing up. "That's your Alpha," she stated glaring at the ground as she gritted her teeth.

"Yea, he isn't so happy you escaped," I chuckled. The woman in the shell escaped the Alpha rang into my head. I know she's with me by the lake I told him. No later than one minute a large black wolf appeared also known as my Alpha.

"She looked at him then adverted her attention back to the turtle she had been looking at oddly. Why was that turtle so interesting to her?

The Alpha shifted and immediately put on some shorts he got from a tree. He glared at me after he came out from the tree.

He walked towards his mate and grabbed her by the arm tightly. I expected her to flinch from the sudden contact considering her wolf wasn't there to bare pain. 

I slowly made my way over to hm trying to explain her condition, but he growled at me.

Her eyes snapped to his face as she lost interest in the turtle and looked into his eyes. I felt awkward for being out here with those two, but I didn't want him to cause her pain.

Her eyes flashed with a few emotions while looking at him. Confusion,anger, and lust was evident in her eyes that I was pretty sure he can see it.

Her eyes flickered a light purple before her body gave out. I starred as she went unconscious with his arm still gripping hers.

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