Chapter 5

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"I don't know Jon. It just happen and... I... I think I just caught at the heat of the moment. It feel really weird. There is something about you that... Gosh! I don't know Jon!" I answer him.

He take a really deep breath before start to talk again.

"I'm sorry if I'm pushing you true all of this. I just... I think I like you like A LOT! I know it sounds crazy but I am crazy. I am Mr Lunatic Fringe. But you just take my breath away I must admit. I never felt like this before with other girls. That's why I like to be around you" he admit.

"Jon did you realise your statement just now? We barely know each other. It wasn't even a week yet since we first met!"

"I know it's sounds crazy, but... Gosh Kylie! I think you just put me under your spell" he laugh.

"Hey... I'm not a witch to put a spell under you!" I joked and causing both of us to laugh.

"So can I take you to the second date?"
"Give me one good reason to accept it" I asked him.

"I am Dean Ambrose. No girls can't resist my date offer!" He smirk cockily.

"Hmmm... Not good enough. I'm not that kind of girls" I replied with a smirk.

"Wow... Impressing already. Uhm... Let me think for other reason." He think for a while. "Uh huh! Because I can swept you up off your feet without you knowing it!"

"Wow Jon! You were the most cocky guy I ever met. How did you even know that you can swept of my feet? I'm the most hardest girl to impress you know" I raised my eyebrow looking at him.

"We'll see that on our second date!" He smile looking at me.

"Good luck with that" I said to him.

"See, I already got you to agreed with me to go out on a second date." He laugh again"

I stop the car slowly as the traffic light turn to red.

"You were really crazy Jon" I laugh with him.

"That because I'm crazy for you" he reply.

His word causing me to locked my eyes with him. Before I could even realise it, he already lean on to me. As our lips almost touch, we heard a loud 'honk' from behind. It cause both of us to realise that the traffic light already turn to green.

"Damn old lady back there! He just ruin our moment!" Jon hissed.

"Seriously Jon you need to stop doing that!" I confess.

"No way. I like it kissing you without you knowing it. Beside I know you like it too!" He said rising one his eyebrow while smirking on me. Damn! This guy really know how to make me blush.

After a hour driving on the road, Jon insisted to change so I could get some rest. That was really sweet of him.

As he start to drove I asked him a question.

"Why did Joe left early?"

"Since our next stop was Pensacola Florida, Joe was really excited to meet his family. That's why he took off early last night."

"Oh!" I answered him.

During our road trip, we talk a lot about stuff from wrestling, to music and sport. We were really get along along the road trip. I'm start to be comfortable again around him. It start to make me questioning my self about do I like him or not. 

As he driving I sit listening to the song at the radio. Suddenly Jon phone blew off. It was Joe who calling.

"Can you put it on loud speaker?" He mention me and I do as he asked.

Expensive Love (Dean Ambrose Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon