Stage One: The Crush

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This story is written in second person, with me using the words "your" or "you" frequently. Different than how I usually write, but it makes sense in the end, loves.

Dedicated to MissPayne1999! GO AND READ HER STORIES! Like, NOW!

Sammie xx


When I first felt it, it was just like any other day. 

We, as in you, Louis, Andy, Liam, and I, were mucking around in our free period, as usual. Louis brought his football with him to practice for the footie team, again, and we all just decided to be our usual selves.

Thinking back now, you always did have this huge smile on your face whenever you kicked around with a football. You truly did love that sport, and you were incredible at it, too. Never did get why you didn't try out for the neighborhood team, like Lou. You had this gracefulness about you, like you weren't just kicking the ball to the destination you wished it at, but you helped it go there. You didn't control the ball, you connected with it, you became a part of it and it became a part of you.

So, we were just messing around, kicking the ball at each other as we all talked. If I was honest with myself, I would've caught how I always seemed to smile around you, but back then, I didn't think much of it. Sure, you were a good looking guy, but I was trying to focus more on my art.

I don't remember what we were talking about that day, but I do remember how you looked. Your blond hair was down, like you didn't care how people saw you. You probably overslept, again, but I always liked it better down. It was nice up in a quiff, don't get me wrong, but when it was down... It just reminded me of when we were younger.

You had this hard look in your eyes, like something was bugging you. Nobody really noticed though, I felt as if only I could see it. But being the wimp I am, I stayed back and didn't confront you about it.

Sure, we were good mates, but it's not like we told each other everything. We just hung out with the same people, texted every now and then. We weren't close, but we weren't strangers. We were the weird in-between of those things.

Your eyes, they seemed to be building up this storm. I remember trying to figure it out. Why would someone so happy look so angered? Was it even possible for your sea like eyes to turn into such a dark storm blue like that? I didn't think it was, but it sure did look like it. 

And your smile, even with you kicking around the football, it looked forced. Right as I was wishing I knew why you looked so down, something hit me pretty damn hard in the nose. 

You have a nice kick, by the way. Very powerful. I should know, since you kicked it with what seemed to be all your force straight to my head! (And before you ask, no. I'm not mad at you, Niall. It was an accident.) 

And let me say, if you ever want to hurt your enemies, kick them like you did me. Because that shit hurt, a whole freaking lot. I honestly thought you broke my nose, or at the very least, fractured it, but later when I went to the doctor, he said it was just a bit bruised. 

Back to when you just kicked me, I remember just closing my eyes one second, taking in the pain of the ball's impact, and you all and formed a circle 'round me. Then, when I opened my eyes, you were right there, inches in front of me. 

Your eyes, the dark storm was gone, and instead came back the nice blue colour I love. They were worried and had guilt in it. All I remember thinking at that moment was that they were too beautiful to ever look like that. They should always look and be happy, you should always look and be happy. 

Your mouth was in a worrisome frown, and I got this strange feeling in my gut. Then I thought something that made me glad but scared to the core.

"I wish I can kiss the frown off of him," I thought. I mean, that was a weird thought, yeah? Mates don't think like that towards their other mates. It just wasn't normal, but then again, I never really liked normal things. 

As an artist, I always looked for the unique, the precious, the rare, the beautiful. Maybe that was why I couldn't stop staring at you whenever you were near. 

"You okay, mate? God, please tell me you're okay. My mum's going to fuckin' kill me if we have to pay for your hospital bills," is the first thing that came out of your mouth. I laughed, what I always did when you made a joke. You're a funny character. Always have been, and always will be. 

I nodded, standing back up from my hunched over position. We all decided to lay off the football practices for the rest of the day, Louis joking that I might get kicked in my family jewels next time, with me replying that I was quite fond of them. 

Louis, Liam, and Andy were a few feet in front of us, and I was surprised you stayed with me in the back. Usually it was Liam, but this time it was you. I blushed at the thought of you wanting to talk to me, but we're friends. It was nothing more than that. 

"So, erm, sorry 'bout the whole ball to your face thing," you said, mumbling a bit. I smirked at you, which made you blush. At first I thought it might've been because you liked my smirk more than friends should, then I realized that it was just 'cause you thought I was making fun of your mumble.

I wasn't, though. In fact, I find it quite adorable. 

"Eh, I don't forgive you."

And when I said that, your face became even more adorable than that mumbling of yours. Your mouth fell, your eyes were as wide as saucers, and your face overall just spoke "surprised". I tried to hold it in, I really did, but you looked so pure, so innocent. I laughed so loud that my head fell back, and what made it even better was that your surprised face quickly turned into a angry one. 

I knew you were joking, but I played along. We kept joking and playing around until we got to the doctors, and then you dropped me off at my house. (Thanks, by the way. That was sweet of you.) 

You said goodnight, and I remember going in for something that I didn't know I wanted, and you just quickly gave me a bro hug. I was so upset, but I hid it from you. I was just glad that we spent time with just us together. 

It was when you drove off as I was unlocking my front door that I thought up the word I was thinking of when I saw you after you kicked me with the ball. 

"Beautiful. Niall is the most beautiful, pure, rare, unique, exquisite thing I've ever seen." 

And it took me exactly 3 hours and 45 minutes minutes after that kick to the head to realize that I didn't just think you were beautiful, oh no. That would be too easy. No, I also started the process of falling in love. And as we know, stage one is easiest yet most incurable stage of them all: having a crush. 

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