Stage Two: Complete Infatuation

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After my realization of my feelings for you, it only got worse. 

In our sixth form, as you already know, we have one class together out of the three you and I are taking, which happens to be Mathematics. Never really knew why I chose Maths, I suck at it majorly, but you. You're like an Irish Einstein! You were always good at it.

Remember how back in secondary, you would tutor me and make me promise I wouldn't tell anyone? Well, I never have, but me not telling people doesn't stop you from being a genius. Which you pretty much are with trigonometry. 

About a week after I realized I had a crush on you, I began to question how much more of it I could take. I started noticing everything about you from what you wear, to how your hair looked, to how you walked, to how you eat your usual breakfast apple. You fascinated me and it was beginning to overwhelm me. 

"So, did you hear about that party Styles is doing? It's going to be sick, mate," Andy said to us one day in Liam's bedroom. It was a Thursday, and like every Thursday at 4:50, we all arrived at Liam's house to play Xbox. It was like clock work. 

"Yeah, heard it was going to be crowded with girls," Louis added, winking at us. 

His comment never made me care about anything, just playful Lou joking around, until you brought up something that took my full attention. 

"Is that girl Emily gonna be there?" you asked. My gut turned when you asked that. And I didn't even know the girl, but I hated her already. 

Louis laughed, and asked, "Why? Trying to get a quick lay with that one, mate?" You laughed, shaking your head as if it was just nonsense, but it wasn't. At least, it wasn't to me. Sadly, that was the end of that. 

We went on normally, with me staring and drooling over you like usual and you not noticing, just being carefree and adorable as ever. But sometimes, I saw that look in your eyes. That expression you wore the day you kicked the football at me. With me having a crush on you, I wanted to know what was happening in your life; how your mum was, how your dad acts, when your brother is coming back home. 

Sometimes, I wished that I was your best friend, not Louis. You would always joke with him, lean on him, even act sort of gay with him. And there I was, still confused over my feelings for you, but knowing if you ever returned them, I would do everything I could ever do in the world to be perfect for you, or at least try to be. 

I know you hate smoking, so I quit it for you, while hoping you wouldn't think of that Emily girl, or stop being so buddy buddy with Louis and maybe more with me? I was a jealous and helpless fool who was falling way too quickly for his liking. I still am. 

Finally, the night of the party came. It was the usual underage party, people packed in a house, booze and cheap alcohol in red plastic cups filled up to the brim, and everyone was grinding to club music. A few people, guys and girls, asked me if I wanted a drink or if I could share a dance, but I just grunted a, "No."

I was far too busy watching you with Emily; how she was grinding on you, touching you everywhere. It pissed me off more than anything has ever pissed me off. Her hands were rubbing you softly and I saw in her eyes this look of desire, but then I looked at you. 

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