Protective Brother and Sports

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Allen's crying. Why is Allen crying? Is that a black eye? Did someone hurt him? Well, somebody's got hell to pay.

"Who did this?" Allen just kept crying, unable to answer through his sobs. "Allen, you have to tell me who hurt you!"

"I-it wa-was him," Allen barley gets out through sobs and hiccups. He points across the field. Matt follows his terrified gaze to see a group of kids a bit older than the both of them.

"C'mon, Al. I'll show them not to mess with us anymore." Matt holds Allen's hand and starts walking toward the group. He grabs a sturdy stick on the way too. He knows he'll be using it.

Matt walks right up to the older kids, Allen crouching down behind him in fear. "Hey!" The older kids look down at Matt and smile deviously at each other.

"Awwww, look how cute~"

"Ain't he just precious~"

"What a cutie, thinks he's so brave and strong~"

Matt just ignores their taunts. They aren't important.

"Which one of you hurt my brother!?" Matt points at Al's black eye, not taking his eyes off the older kids. He means business, but the older kids don't see him as a threat whatsoever.

The biggest kid, likely the group's leader, steps forward, "That would be me." He says with a pompous, cocky smirk. That just infuriates Matt even more.

"Nobody lays a hand on my brother!" Matt launches forward, high into the air. He pulls the stick back and upward behind his head. Everything going so fast, no one had time to react. He brings the stick forward in a downward arc -twisting his body, pushing with his arms- with incredible force. The stick collides with the boy's jaw. A loud crunch is heard. Matt lands on one knee in the famous superhero stance. He lifts the now broken stick up in the air while spinning it a few times, before grasping it firmly behind his back. The bully lands unconscious in the dirt with a few teeth missing.

Everything is completely still for what feels like a while. It's as if someone hit the pause button. Everyone just stares, unable to move. Finally, someone hit play as the other boys start to back away slowly, before turning and running. They are utterly terrified.

Matt stands up and turns around to face his brother. Allen stood there, frozen with wide eyes. He sniffles a few times and wipes away his remaining tears with his arm. "Th-that was amazing," he finally chokes out.

Matt just sighs, "You could do that too, y'know. You're a country, not mortal. We're stronger than them. You're just a coward sometimes. You can't let them push you around like that."

"I'm not a coward! I can be strong too sometimes!" Allen looks at the ground, avoiding eye contact, and shuffles his feet. "I was, uh, just going easy on those guys, y'know, didn't wanna rough 'em up too bad. Mom said not to start fights... Don't you dare tell him I said that!"

Matt decides to change the subject. "That was pretty fun. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a sport like that?"

Allen quickly lit up, "Yeah, that would be awesome!" He finds a good stick of his own and then picks up a fist-sized rock. "This will be the guys jaw! Here, take it," he says handing the rock to Matt. He runs a good distance away before stopping and holding the stick behind his back, ready to swing.

"Throw the rock at me, Mattie bro!"

Matt scowls and yells back, "Don't call me 'Mattie'!" as he angrily throws the rock. Allen swings the stick and connects with the rock. The rock is sent soaring off into the distance.

"Wasn't that epic!?"

"Yeah, but you just copied cricket. I have a better idea." Allen frowns and starts thinking of ways to make his sport unique. He doesn't want his sport to be considered a copy of Oliver's sport! Meanwhile, Matt finds himself a new stick and rock. He places the rock onto the ground and backs away. He runs forward with the stick pulled behind him. He swings and hits the rock, causing it to go flying into a tree across the field. The rock shatters and bark is scrapped off the tree.

After a few seconds of silence, Matt says, "Now imagine that on ice!"

"Ice? Why ice?"

"Because it will add a challenge. And it'll be fun."

"Well, my sport is gonna have bases that you run to, and a lot of other cool stuff too." That's all Allen had planned out after the two minutes of thought he put into it.

Both of them knew they had created the beginnings of something amazing. Something that would be of great importance in their country's culture. Something they would grow to love for years to come.

Not much later, the boys had perfected their sports. They created unique ideas and rules.

Allen had created Baseball, and Matt had created Hockey.

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