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"I can't believe Viktor couldn't find him!" Oliver paces around nervously as he bugs an annoys François.

"Are you sure he didn't find him?" François asks with a whine.

"He said he looked everywhere in the two countries! There was no trace of my poppet!"

"Zhat asshole." He scoffs quietly. "We made a deal!" Luckily, Oliver doesn't hear.

"There's gotta be someone who can help! Who's good at finding missing people or sneaking around?" François just shrugs lifelessly at the panicked question.

"I know who can help!" Allen slides into the room with style like that scene from Dirty Dancing. Matt walks in tiredly behind him.

"Are you really gonna say who I think you're gonna say?" Matt asks with a sigh.

"Kuro! He's all ninja-like and stuff! He'll be able to find the little shit!" Everyone ignores Oliver's cries about swearing that follow Al's comment.

"You're not mad about the whole World War II thing?" Matt raises an eyebrow.

"Nah, man. He may have got me good, but I got him back twice as bad! No harsh feelings between us."

"Well, if you think he can help," Oliver sighs. "Then invite him over." Just then, the doorbell rings.

"I kinda already did." Allen says as he opens the door, revealing a stone-faced Kuro.

"Herro," he bows politely. "I hear you rost your chird." He speaks very bluntly.

"Rost chird!" Allen laughs as he imitates Kuro's pronunciation of lost child. Everyone just ignores the idiot.

"We didn't lose the poor dear... He was taken from us." Oliver corrects Kuro as the latter steps inside.

"Oh? Who took him?"

"Thurston and Berwald. So that means he must be in either Finland or Sweden, right? Unless they hid him-" Kuro raises a hand, silencing Oliver's worried rant.

"You know they rive together in Finrand, right?" Oliver nods. Everyone knows that the two live together, for whatever reason. And bossy Thurston wouldn't move into Berwald's place. "Did you check their home?"

Oliver hesitates before answering, "No... I guess not..."

"Werr check there first. I'm going home now. Carr me if he's not there." Japan turns and opens the door to exit.

"Wait! That's it? You're leaving already?" Kuro is already gone by the time Oliver finishes. "Well... I guess we're going to check their house."

"I'm staying home. My show is on." François points to some random tv program he's probably never seen before. It's Toddlers and Tiaras... Maybe he has seen this before.

"Oh, this is your show? This is my show too." Matt pretends to also be interested even though he too has probably never seen this show.

"Alright then... That leaves Allen. Ready to go Al?"

"Oh, I uh, I got, um," Oliver pushes him out the door as he struggles to find an excuse. "Wait I-"

"No time for waiting! We must get there as soon as possible to rescue my littlest love!"

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