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"C'mooooooonnn, Matt! It'll be fuuuunnn!" Allen whines as usual, trying desperately to lift Matt off the couch.

"No." Matt just sinks deeper into the sofa.


"No. We're not little kids anymore, Al. That was centuries ago."

"But Halloween wasn't a thing when we were kids! That's why we gotta make up for it now!"

"Allen, I'm not putting on some silly costume to go beg strangers for candy. It's not happening."

"We'll only trick or treat for a little bit, okay? We'll mostly be vandalizing and teepeeing houses and shit! That's what the kewl kidz do on Halloween!"

"As much as I'd love to vandalize shit and play with toiletries, I'd rather just stay home." Allen sighs at Matt's boring nature.

"You're being real lame right now, Matt..." Matt just hums in mock agreement.

"Did I hear Halloween? Are you loves discussing what your costumes shall be?" Oliver enters, giddy as ever. He had fortunately gotten over Paul fairly quick for Oliver standards. By that, I mean it took over a year.

"No. I'm not going." Matt sticks to his non caring demeanor.

"Oh, nonsense! You should go out and have fun on this exciting holiday! You're still little kiddos after all."

"Ugh! Mom, no. We're not 'little kiddos'. That's stupid. I'm not being a rabbit or an angel like you used to dress us up as. That's stupid."

"Awwww, but you two were the most precious little rabbits..."

"No rabbits! But we are going out. That is, if Matt will man up and agree already!"

"Matt, you're going with Al to have fun. I won't let my poppet stay cooped up in this house on a fun night like this." Matt sighs and begrudgingly gets his lazy ass off the couch.

"Woohoo! Finally, you lazy motherfucker! Let's go reck shit up!"

"Al, language!"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry bye!" Allen grabs Matt's arm and quickly runs out of the house before Oliver can get out another word.

Later that night, the two boys stand outside a house with freshly bought toilet paper at the ready. "Are you serious, Al? This seems incredibly stupid and somehow even more immature than trick or treating."

"C'mon, this'll be great! I owe this to Kuro. He was being a total dickwad, ignoring me all the time!" Allen immediately started running around the house, screaming like a banshee, and throwing toilet paper everywhere after putting on his Darth Vader mask. Matt just sighs and tries to disappear in the bushes near the front door.

Literally five seconds go by before the door slams open. "Who the herr do you think you are! Get off my rawn!" An angry Kuro stands in the doorway with a pistol pointing at Al. Allen freezes, his hand in the air about to throw another roll of toilet paper. "Arren...?"

"Shit!" Allen tries to run away as Kuro takes his first shot. 'How'd he know it was me!?'

Matt stands out of the bushes and holds up his hockey stick. Kuro turns to look at him after sensing an eerie presence. "Oh no, not again..." Matt hits him with the stick, knocking him out.

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