hi my name is jessica (jessie for short) and i am 17 years old. today im going to my new school called ringbark high and im so nervous. 

i opned my eyes as georgia (my older sister obvs) sceamed at me from the pink painted wooden door. I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor  and then i got up and i want over to the wardrobe and picked out dark washed black skinny jeans with two pockeds in the front my sea foam chanel purse (AN: if u dont kno what chanel is kill urself lol) and a gucci floral shirt.

i sat down at my white makeup table with a huge circle mirror and drawers and looked at myself. my long dark hair fell down my back in natural waves with no frizz my lips were plump and full, my eyelashes were long and dark without any mascara and my skin was perfectly clear and white. i had curves in all the right places and i was short with long legs. im so ugly, no one is going to like me and im gon be a freidnless loser fo my whole life


I got up and walked ut of my room. georgia stood there looking constipated. i knew she was just jealoud and called her a whore and went into the kitchen were i got my food and waved bye to my mum. i walked out the door, got in my sisters old ghetto crappy ass subaru bc my luxury ferrari i got for my birthday was in service and began to drive ignoring georgie who opened the door and screamed at me i put the finger up at her and began to drive her car to school trying to ignore the stanky ass smell of the old seats. 

i pulled up at my new school and took a deep breath time to shine jessie


so thats the first chapter lol let us kno what u think do u think jessie will have fun at her new scjool?

also i was jk bout the kill urself joke w/ the chanel i was obv joking dont be triggered lol

~ Terri xx

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