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"ur in my maths class amy said looking at her timetable i nodded

lets go

amy and i walked into class and i said hello to our teacher an old fart with jesus hair and complelety black eyes he didn't look at me wow fucking rude much

i sat dwn next to amy and put down my gucci hangbag (AN: gucci is a totally cool and chic brand for all u losers out tere who dont know wha it is lmao get educated)

i adjust my skirt so my ass isn't showing off and look over at amy shes staring strait ahead I look up to c what she's looking @.

My mouth drops open

Holy shit he's fucking gorg

"oh my god whose that" i asekd amy she shook her head

"thats hunter hes the bad boy all the girls want him" she gasped and said omg and shook me as another hot boy walked in with white blonde hair and tanned skin and green eyes he smiled at me and i felt my ovaries explode damn.

"thats aiden hes so hot have my fucking babies" amy gasped out and then went silent as aiden looked over bc she said that out loud

'you what amy????"

nothing" amy said then looked at me and screamed.

"hes best friends with hunter anyways yeah dont go after hunter hes a manwhore and hes dating tiffany you dont wnna mess with her."

i sighed and looked at hunter he was perfect with his white teeth ruffled brown hair tanned skin and ice blue eyes he was fucking perfection in a 17 year old boy. he looked over at me and winked and what was left of my ovaries went up in a nuclear explosion well bye future children. i instantly knew from looking into his eyes that iwould never find someone like him again he was so perfect.

'amy i think i love him'


DUN DUN DUN plot twist what dou guys think of this chapter???????? jessie loves hunter but hes tifaanys boyfriend yikes she beter watch out

also what u think of amy and aiden theyre so cute and theyre inspirwd by my and my bf brett (love u babe) i just think tey super adorbs also perri wrote some too but not much lmao why do i do all the work arnd here honestly???

byeee ~ terri xx

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