"r u ok" hunter said and pulled me to my feet and nodded and smacked his hand away

'im foine" i snap and turned back to the table and pulled out my book and began twritng trying tnot to lookn at mchotty but inside i was dying omg he was worried when i fell that means something right? i pull out my phone and go on bing and ask 'what does it mean if a guy is worried for you when you faint' ad got no good results i snort and threw my phone across the room oh shit it broke

"ms rowles why did u break ur iphone?" luigi says and i say sorry and go get my phone and throw it in the bin its okay i have a spare one even though its a crappy asss android itll do

bell rings and i sit up to go leave but i feel a hand on my ass i turn around and see hunter (omg!!!!!) and he presses me against the desk oh my gosh i can feel his-

"ms rowles and mr bow stop being promiscous and get out of my clasroom' teacher says hunter steps away and says sorry but he winks and me and i feel like ill faint again

"well continued this later sugarplum" he winks again and i feel my ovaries explode and a blush come to my cheeks

'bye' i say and squeal oh my god this MUST mean he likes me! i walk out of the room and immediiately i smell shit as tiffany the whore appears and shoves me and calls me a fatass

"keep ur hands off my man okay u ugly ass little bitch" she says anad all her ugly minions laugh i cry and run into the bathroom the smell of cigarettes smells

maybe tiffany is rite maybe im rlly an ugly ass little bitch i look in the mirror and see my long black hair my blue eyes my long eyelashes, my super clear skin and my body and i begin to cry shes right!!! im so ugly fml im gonna kms i stare at myself again and i hate everything my hair is too long my eyelashes are too thick my eyes look like ugly crystals and my skin looks like a baby arse omg. im so short i hate myself

i can never compeat with tiffany so i decide i wont talk to hunter anymore h aint worth it but i know that i wont stick to this pinky promise bc im in love with him ive never been in love before and inknow this is it i know but i just wonder if ill be able to stay away

i leave and i see amy and go up to her shes smiling a lot

'hi hi jessie so you knwo what????"


"me n my brother r hosting a big party tonite u should some theerell be alcohol there dw my parents are outta town."

'okay cool text me ur address when is it?"

"9pm and dress nice"? okay i say and smlle at her 'ill go

"my house isnt that great thoufh were just kinda middle class but its big enough for parties so!~" amy laughs and then a boy with curly dark hair tanned skin adorable freskles and brown eyes shows up

"hi jessie this is my brother brett' (AN: ths is my boyfriend brett!!! he wanted to be in the story too love u so much bae xxx)

"nice to meet u j" he says his voice is silky and it soudnss so sexy i shake his hand

"well gotta go ttyl' i say and go into the carpark i get into my sisters car and drive home and see my sister she looks angry

"u took my car bitch now i missed a whole day of school thanks!"

she was making such a big deal out of it. i lnew she was just jealous of my luxury clothes and high end ferrari with her old ass wrinkly clothes and stanky ghetto ass subaru. i called her a cunt and go into our 5 story house where i have two floors all to myself my parents have one floor and two floors are general living space and my sister jhas the basement i go upstairs to my penthouse area and flop onto my chanel pillows i hate my room i hate my life!

my iphone 6s with a pink diamond case dings and i look down at my text from amy it says her address and i look at the time shit its 6:30! i get up and put on a little bit of makeup, just some mascara abd fake eyelashes and lipstick and blush and bronzer, then curl my hair into perfect curls and grab some clothes. I put on my red and black gucci minidress and my knee high black boots from tiffanys and then stand in front of my mirror i looks so ugly but its 6:50 and i have to leave

i pick up my black gucci leather jacket and say goodbye to my mum shes sleeping in her armchair and doesnt hear me lol and i can hear georgia in the basement yelling at the tv as she watches lion kind for like the tenth millionth time 'NO SIMBA DONT DO THAT!!' lol what a loser thats a kids movie

my iphone5s withna diamond encrusted case rings and i pull it out and see itts amy calling i answer and say hello and i can hear music poudning in the background already

"oh my god where are u the partys been on for like half an hour" i look at the time and its 7:30 shit

"im about to leave amy ill be there"

'guys hurry up'

'okay' i say and hang up i take a deeo breath lets rcok this bitch


NA high guys vote and comment and follow us no mean comments n dont be a ghoste lol <3 u

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