Chapter Fourteen: Nan Neo Sirheo

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I just visited my old Deviantart account and I keep dying. Who knew I was so bad at writing back then? I just fee like slapping myself every time I make a bad joke, see an incorrect word and let's not get started about how I used way too much underline, bold ad italics.

Now I'm scared of touching and reading "Loving My Rival". I wrote it last year and I REALLY know how many misspelled words and bad jokes are there. Spare my life! I need to edit it, fast.

Someday, send help to thirteen year old me >o<

"The only thing I can remember is the fire and that only, no recollection or whatsoever with my past or even my family. The doctor who treated my wounds told me I was hit by something hard on the head, they said it might be a chunk of wood. They also said there's a possibility my memory loss could be temporary but the chances are very small. The reason why I remember you is because uh. . . a girl named Honey Lemon, I think, visited me and told me about you and my other friends like Wasabi, Gogo and who's the other one? Freed? Oh, sorry, I mean Fred. They told me everything that happened at the party we went to. How I tried to save a girl in a burning building. Pretty stupid of me. I guess I just wanted you not to worry. You must be an important person to me, huh?"

You couldn't make out any word Hiro spoke to you, your mind was a straight blank and you could only hear an annoying yet deafening pitch echoing in your eardrums. Your heart picked up pace abnormally, your breathing was somehow filtered by an invisible blockage magically built in your throat.  You tried to blink away the dreadful tears forming at the corners of your eyes yet one tear managed to roll down your cheek.

No, that can't be.

"I. . ." You trailed off, voice barely audible.

Hiro smiles sadly, eyes glassy with tears. "You don't have to say anything, really. I just wanted to tell you the truth and maybe get the frustration off my chest. Say, since you're here, you must be an important person to me. I bet we had good memories together, along with the others." He chocked most of the words, swallowing every time he had difficulty to speak.

You were beginning to feel dizzy. "Hiro," You started with a shaky voice, "Tell me you're just joking."

Hiro sighs, "No, I'm not." He replied, shaking his head.

"P-please," You pleaded, coughing to hide the desperateness latched on your tone.

Hiro leas back. "I hope I was, seriously." He admits, blushing a little bit.

"S-so, you really don't remember anything? Not even a single thing?"

Why am I suddenly so concerned? Geez (Y/N). . .

Hiro ran a hand through his hair in frustration and buried his face in his hands, making an odd noise. Silence lingered for a few moments, only the muffled noises from outside resounding in the hospital room. His shoulders made an upward and down motion, and you assumed he was crying out of sadness due to losing his memories. You didn't blame him, memories are very important in one person's life.

"(Y/N)," Hiro starts, wiping the tears off his face. Sniffling, he cracked a smile. "Maybe we can start over."

You were puzzled but spoke, "How?"

Hiro straightened himself and extended his hand to you. "Hello, I'm Hiro Hamada. And you are?"

He must be out of his mind.

But alas, you plays along. Taking his hand, you shook hands. "Jiyoon (Y/N)."

Hiro smirks. "Oh, and by the way (Y/N),"


"You just got pranked."

Out of the blue, Hiro stands up on his bed and did his oh so not-really-famous dance of victory, grinning triumphantly as he playfully stuck his tongue out to you.

"You just got pranked, Jiyoon (Y/N)!" Hiro cackles. "You really believed I had amnesia! How stupid can you get? And let's not forget about your priceless reaction! Damn, I should have brought a camera! Whatever! Whoo, one point for Hiro Hamada! Eat that (Y/N)!" He cheers on.

You felt shocked, confused, and most of all,the one feeling topping over the others, humiliated. Your cheeks turned red, as well as your ears. You watched through narrowed eyes as Hiro continued on with his dance, making up song lyrics about how he was able to fool you so easily.

You finally snapped away from your trance. With a glare, you hauled Hiro down and straddled him, and with no further hesitance, you began showering him with pinches and slaps, tears continuously rolling down your cheeks.

"I hate you so much! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" You chanted over and over, letting out a pathetic sob, "Nan neo sirheo! Nan neo sirheo! Nan neo sirheo!"

Hiro tried to block your hits only to fail. "Ow! What are you saying?! I don't understand! I don't speak Chinese!"

You halted then stood up, heading straight outside.

"Wait! Where are you--?!" Hiro yells only for it to be cut off when you slammed the door closed.

But then you opened the door once again, yelling "And it's Korean, damn it! Not Chinese!" before slamming the door close again.


Nan neo sirheo = I hate you

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