Chapter Nineteen: That Feeling

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I have a dirty mind, cleanse me. (Picture above)

Excuse mistakes please <3


Do you know that uncomfortable feeling you get when you know someone is watching you from afar with cold and unfading eyes that burned with anger and frustration, as though they're trying their best to burn holes on ever single part of your body?

Of course not, that is quite impossible to experience in reality and it would be for the best to call the cops if it ever occurred. But in this situation you are currently mixed in, you are more than just familiar with the description. The second you stepped foot out of your house to run some errands, you can already feel a nerve wrecking and shivering worthy glare direct their attention to you. You dismissed it like a pointless joke but as minutes passed by, you were beginning to get freaked out and dare to say, annoyed as you felt their gaze fixated on your figure.

You glanced warily to every direction that existed, frantically trying to locate a suspicious looking person lurking by. But unfortunately, every single living thing around you at the moment didn't seem to care about your existence and didn't you a second glance, not that they even did once. Frowning over nothing, you continued to make your way towards a nearby convenience store. After purchasing everything needed, you left in a hurry, desperate to find the familiar feeling of comfort back in your house.

In a rush to return home, you did not notice a certain brunette that recently got discharged from a hospital running towards your direction at full speed, her long and silky light brown hair flying behind her as she frantically looked behind her. But when she turned and spotted you talking quick foot steps forward, she immediately assumed you were trying to blend in with the busy crowd so she wouldn't notice you.

Hell no. Kathryn thought before leaping in front of you, causing you to halt abruptly. You parted your mouth to curse out loud only to be cut off in an instant when Kathryn Bernard suddenly kicked you on the stomach, sending you skidding a few meters away from her before falling. Thankfully for you, no scrapes or bruises blotched your arms or legs but there was a throbbing pain on your elbows. The brown bag that contained everything you bought was safely leaning against a bench a nearby bench and you can't help but feel like it as mocking you since it did not feel pain.

"Damn Kathryn," You groaned, "Do I look like a punching bag to you now?"

Kathryn fumed and turned into what looks like a human sized tomato. She stammered a few uncalled and inaudible words under her breathe before looking dead into your eyes and extending a hand toward you. "Next time, try visiting your friend in the hospital rather doing nothing. You have no idea how bored I was just sitting in the hospital bed." She utters annoyingly, averting her irises from your figure.

You swatted the willing outstretched hand in front of you and got up on your feet by yourself, dusting the dirt away from tour clothing. "First of all, we are not friends and secondly, I will never waste my time and money just to visit someone I not fond of."

You didn't care if you sounded rude or just plain annoying but the feeling of being watched never left your radar. You needed to keep your guard up and you didn't want Kathryn to slow you down from getting to your house. Talking to her right now might cause trouble in your part.

Kathryn rolls her eyes. "Rude." She states. "Oh yeah, I heard about Hiro. Is he okay?" All of a sudden, her infuriating persona dispersed in a snap as her brows knitted together in concern.

Oh, so she really cares about him. Hm.

"Don't worry, he's fine. A few broken bones here and there but fine."


"Just kidding, he's absolutely fine. Maybe slightly traumatized with the whole fire event. Can't blame him."

Kathryn's face fell downcast. "It's my fault, isn't it?"

You were shocked to hear such words coming from the lips of an overly confident and self conceited person like Kathryn. Her trembling hands fiddled with one another as guilt flickered on her face. "If I didn't make that party, he wouldn't be hurt or traumatized. He probably hates me now."

Hopefully. Just kidding.

"I don't know but all I can say for you now is that the fire is not your fault. The fire started at the kitchen, remember?" You assured.

"But I was at the kitchen the moment the fire started." Kathryn admits, scratching her cheek.

"Then it's your fault after all."

Kathryn pouted and stomped her foot. "That's not helping me at all!"

You raised an eyebrow at her, arms crossed. "Who said I was trying to help you?" You snapped lightly, shooting a glare at the brunette.

You resisted the urge to cover your ears as Kathryn began ranting about how annoying and infuriating your personality was. From there corner of your eye, you saw a flicker of a shadow enter an alley. Turning your head to the direction of the movement, you saw a hooded figure staring at you but the fact they were grasping a sharp and shinning knife made for heart soar in fear. You kept eye contact, doubting it was you they were staring at. That was that until he lowered his head and raised the knife a little bit.

Damn it, who is this now? Did Abigail send them to kill me? Great, now Kathryn is in danger because of me! Or. . . is it the other way around?

"(Y-Y/N)?" Kathryn spoke, giving you a puzzled look. "What's wrong?"

"I. . ." You trailed off.

1) Run (go to chapter twenty "The Mystery Man")

2) Hide (go to chapter twenty "Dead End")


Another choice! Yay!

Whew. I nearly forgot this story exists because I'm too busy making the Creepypasta one shots. Sorreh not sorry

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