Chapter Twenty Six: Loss

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You chose to tell the truth.

If you haven't made your decision yet, visit chapter twenty five.

Remember, the out come of the story depends on your decision. Choosing the wrong decision have some consequences.

Happy reading!



Hiro frowned. "(Y/N), something is clearly bothering you and. . . . are you. . . . crying?"

I'm crying?

You touched your cheek and realized you were indeed crying. The tears that once threatened to fall cascaded down your face without you knowing, or even your consent. You growled, "I am not. You're hallucinating and it's not good." You wiped your tears using your sleeves.

Hiro sorted his features and took a hesitant step forward only for you to recoil when he reached to touch you. He visibly grimaced at your secured figure but heaved back. "What's wrong, (Y/N)? Damn it, don't beat around the bushes and just tell me." Hiro cried out, eyes glassy with his own tears.

Your heart was hammering against your chest and it was practically begging for you to let it out of your rib cage. Your hands were opening ad closing under their own command and your legs were doing the best impression of a shaking gelatine. Why is it so damn hard telling the truth?

Without enough courage, you spoke. "Hiro, remember that time when we hung out in your room and I stormed out? Because you were being a complete tool?"

Hiro folded his arms over his chest and puffed out air from his lips. He obviously doesn't like being insulted nothing can be taken back if that was the truth anyways. "Uh huh, I can still remember." Hiro nodded as he said this, "I'm surprised you still remember that."

That was the night I got kidnapped. I doubt I'll forget that day.

"Well, I walked back home and someone," A flash of Abigail's face, "Borrowed me for a while."

Hiro sighed. "This isn't making any sense. Where is this going?"

"Well!" You hissed, irritation evident on your face, "If you let me finish and you stay there with your mouth hole shut, which I really much prefer right now, then you would know faster! So if you can't do that simple instruction then I will make it my personal task to sneak into your too at midnight and sew them close until your very last breathe! If still doesn't satisfy, I swear to God Himself, you won't live to see another day, understood?!"

Hiro stared at you with large eyes before nodding, not after promising to keep his mouth shut. He certainly did not expect you to lash out on him like that, and he was quite puzzled why you haven't give him another black eye. He was pretty sure you'd do just that with the amount of anger you're bottling up. You, even, are baffled by your actions. Maybe it was because of the overlapping emotions overwhelming you. Taking another deep breathe, you persuaded yourself to continue.  You just hoped his reaction would be pleasant and not similar to a rampaging animal.

"Now back to what I was saying. Where was I again? Oh yeah. The same person who um, borrowed me, um. Damn it, I'm not very good at explaining. You'll think I'm lying anyway."

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