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(A/N): So, me and firegirl956 (twinnie) were discussing doing an imagine/one-shot/drabble on the fact that the reader or Dean calls out for Cas when sleeping, and sometimes when Sam/whoever wakes up and sees Cas sitting at the foot of the reader's/Dean's bed. Mine is going to be Dean X reader, and she's probably going to write Destiel, because I can't really write Destiel, though I do ship them so hard! Anyway, here's mine and I hope you like it!


"No! No! Don't do this! No! Please! No! Leave me alone!" I'm running through the woods, running from him. He wants to kill me. He thinks that I'll hurt his son. He thinks that I'll brainwash him. He thinks I'm a monster.

"You hurt my boy, Imma' hurt you, you little b*tch!" He yells from somewhere behind me.

Tears are stinging my cheeks from the branches scraping them, and causing them to bleed. I continue to run, even though I feel myself slowing down. Curse my lack of agility for...well, everything!

I trip over something, and land on my stomach, feeling like I just swallowed a pile of bricks. He walks up behind me while I struggle to get up, and he whacks my back, causing me to fall hard on my stomach again.

I bite my lip, and stand up forcibly to face him. 

He holds up his knife, saying, "I'm going to kill you. I warned you not to touch my boys, but you didn't listen."

I grit my teeth, saying, "John, I didn't hurt them! You know what they get themselves into! I didn't do anything!"

He shakes his head, then lunges forward, stabbing me in the chest. I had tried to run but my feet wouldn't budge. 

I let out a blood-curdling scream, falling onto the ground, knocking some wind out of my chest. I lay there, gasping, and watching Daddy Winchester just walk away calmly.  I start screaming for help, but the forest just echoes my screams back to me. I'm alone. 

"Cas! Cas, help me! Cassie please! Cas!"

I sit up, sweating and gasping for air, rather loudly. I notice a figure in a trench coat sitting on the bed next to me, looking concerned. "Cas!" I whisper, "What're you doing here?"

"You were calling me, so I came. You sounded distressed."

I push my hair out of my face, and say, "Well, I was actually...I was having a nightmare, and I always think of you as my ultimate protection so..."

Cas asks, "Do you need me to activate the human emotions for you now?"

"Cas, what are you, a robot? You don't have to ask my permission, you just use them whenever you feel the need to, alright?"

He says, "May I?" opening his arms a little.

I smile, then say, "Of course. Always Cas."

He leans back on the bed, and I snuggle into his chest, playing with his tie for a few moments. 

He sighs, then says, after a few minutes, "What do you dream about that is so bad...may I ask?"

"Don't tell the boys, Cas, but I keep having this dream that John is chasing me."

"Sam and Dean's father?"

"Yes. He keeps chasing after me with a knife or something else that's lethal, saying things like 'you hurt my boys', 'you're a monster, leave them alone', and other horrible things like that."

"But you didn't do anything to them."

"Exactly." I say, accidentally hitting him in the face with his tie. "Oh sorry." I whisper, giggling a little.

"I am surprised, Ally, that you are not crying like you were earlier. You normally cry every time you have a nightmare, I thought you"

"Hold on, did you say 'every time'?" I say, interrupting him.

"Yes. Why?"

"How often do I call out your name when I'm asleep?"

"Whenever you have a nightmare usually, but there were a few times where I do not think you were in danger in your dream, but you were still saying my name."

Oh crap. He even heard me during THOSE dreams?

I blush, saying, "If I'm not having a nightmare and I call your name, maybe you should just ignore it, okay?"

"Why should I do that?" Cas asks, looking down at me.

I start to say something, but he continues, "I...well...the way you say my name in those other dreams makes me feel...different. I do not know what it is though. I get a fluttering in my stomach, and my"

"If you're going where I think you're going with this, please stop talking." 

"Am I making you uncomfortable, Ally?"

"No, no, it's alright Cas. You just don't know what to say and what NOT to say. It's totally fine." I say, adjusting myself on his chest. My eyes start to close; my entire body is relaxed, but I do have a little tingly feeling going on that I can't quite explain.

"Ally, What does love feel like?" Cas' voice says, breaking my concentration on going to sleep.

I sigh, then say, "I don't really know the answer to that question, but I do know that if you love someone, you'll never want to live without that person. I could imagine that it's a realization that sort of startles you, Castiel."

Cas flinches, then a moment later, he says, "I think that I am in love with you, Ally. I think I just had the realization."

I smile, asking, "Really? think you're in love with me?"

Cas says, "Yes. I would like to explore more of the love area, if that is okay with you."

I say, looking up at him, "Absolutely." I push up a little, and press my lips to his. Our lips feel as if they should've touched each other a long time ago. His soft, angelic lips against my salty ones make the butterflies in my stomach flutter at the thought.

When I end the kiss, he puts a hand behind my head, saying, "That felt...good."

I smile, just centimeters away from his lips, and say, "You wanna' do it again?"

"Please." he whispers, then kisses me again, this time with a little more passion.

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