Part 6

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I got up and got dressed and walked over to Brooke and Mitch's room I knocked on the door

"Are you guys ready?" I called and Mitch opened the door

"We're having a little bit of trouble" Mitch said and pointed towards the bathroom I walked over and knocked

"Hey it's me I'm coming in" I said and walked in Brooke was crouched by the toilet head in her hands

"Are you ok?" I asked slowly creeping forward she looked up at me with yellow eyes and growled at me I jumped into the shower as she lunged at me I closed the shower door as she snapped at me

"Hey brooke it's me relax" I said her snarling settled down and she started sniffing I opened the door just a crack and let her sniff her eyes then softened back to her usual green brown eyes

"I'm so sorry I don't know what happened" Brooke said hugging me

"It's fine" I said

"We're going to be late" Mitch called

" let's go" Brooke said I nodded and we were went down to the lobby and into mitch's rental car we got in and we're off soon we arrived and took a turn off at the building and went passed a security guy we showed our passes and were allowed in to the parking lot Mitch parked and we got out and walked towards the building when a lady approached us

"Hi can I please get your youtube names please?" She asked and looked down at her clipboard

"Bajancanadian" Mitch said

"Rebel angel" Brooke said

"And crazypenguin" I said

"Yep everything checks out" she said and opened the door for us we walked through the doors wich lead to a foyer to our left a door that read toilets infront of us on the door was a piece of paper saying 'convention floor' then on the last one to our right had another paper on it saying 'YOUTUBERS only' we went into the right one and as you walked in you could see the cliques the beauty gurus, the vloggers, the challengers and everything In between as I scanned the room I found my guys I looked to where brooke was a minute ago to now see her with her sister alesa I walked over to the gamers

"Hey guys" I said sitting in a red beanbag

"Hey how are you" felix asked

"I'm good flight tickets got upgraded to first class so that was cool" I said

"Sounds like it" bob said and everything went dark from someone putting their hands over my eyes

"Who's that?" I asked feeling up their arms to their face I felt a small but of scruff and some glasses

"Is it Mark?" I asked

"How'd you know?" He asked

"Just a lucky guess" I said

"Wanna get a drink." He asked I nodded getting up we went over to the drinks table and ended up going outside and sitting on the steps

"So how's things?" He asked taking a sip of his drink

"It's alright" I said "can't believe I'm 18 In a few days" Mark spat out his drink


"I'm turning 18 and you know what that means" I said

"No nope" he said

"I get my full wolf and I get to find to find my mate" I said

"Nun uh your too little" Mark protested

"No I'm not" I said

"Hey guys sorry to be a pain but our panel is starting soon" wade said from the door

"Ok we're on our way" Mark said getting up and holding out his hand for me I grabbed it and he helped me up and we went off to our panel

"So what are we doing?" I asked as a lady hooked a microphone up to me

"Just a few questions" Mark said as he was getting the same done

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Where stories live. Discover now