Part 29

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"Sounds good to me" I said and pulled out my phone

"Pass it here" Dan said I unlocked it and passed it to him a few minutes later he handed me my phone back

"What did you do?" I asked

"Oh I put in the wifi code for you" he said

"Oh ok thanks" I said

"Want to watch a movie?" Phil asked

"Sure what are we watching?"

"Jurassic world" he said

"I love that movie it's like my favourite at the moment" I said and he put it on part way through Dan got up to go make dinner

"Dan what's for dinner?" I asked walking in a little later

"Fajitas hope you don't mind" he said stirring stuff in the wok

"No no it sounds great" I said "do you want any help?"I asked

"Can you grate some cheese for me?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I said he got the stuff out and I started grating

"Hey can I ask you something?" he asked

"Yeah go ahead" I said

"Well actually a few questions"

"No I'm not a murderer no I don't plan on being one, what did I miss?" I joked making Dan laugh

"That wasn't the question but good to know have you found them yet?" he asked

"Found who?" I was confused

"You know the one" he said

"I'm lost" I said he turned around showing me his wrist his mark it was only half filled in I had never seen one like it before its either fully filled in meaning you've found your mate and they've found you or it's just an outline meaning you haven't

"Uh yeah" I said looking up at him he smiled and went back to the wok

"Can I know who it is?" he asked

"Do you know jacksepticeye?"

"I've heard the name" I looked him up on my phone and showed him a photo

"Aw yeah" he said I put the rest of the cheese in the fridge

"So what's going on with your mark?" I asked

"It's complicated" he said

"How so?" I asked

"My mate isn't our kind they're quite the opposite" he said I walked over and rubbed his back he looked at me his eyes glassy

"If you love them and believe that they're your mate that's all that matters" I said

"Thanks" he wrapped me in a hug

"You two alright in there?" Phil called

"Yeah" I called back

"Just the stuff there needs to go out to the table" Dan said I nodded and grabbed some of it and carrying it into the lounge and putting it onto the table

"Need any help?" Phil asked

"Nope I think I've got it" I said and he went back to the movie I got the rest of the stuff and put it on the table I went back in

"can you also grab the bottle that has Phil written on it and a coke for me and you if you want one" Dan said walking past carrying toe tortias and two bowls of fillings I opened the fridge and saw the cokes but no Phil I looked on the bench and saw it I grabbed it, it was warm oh well I took them out to the table and we sat down before digging in after dinner we all sat down to watch a movie and I drifted off to sleep

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Where stories live. Discover now