Chapter 18

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•Cameron's POV•


It's like my second home. When Sierra died, when Sam got stabbed, etc. Now, I sit and wait, just like a did about a month ago. For the exact same person, too.

When the doctors told me in the ambulance that she might not wake up, I was paralyzed. If I were to lose Sam, my life would be forever over. But that was when the monitors started beeping very slowly.

Hope rose inside of me. She was finally breathing again, but very slowly. We arrived and got out of the ambulance and into the hospital. They quickly took her to a room, but Hayes and I were told to wait in the waiting room, like usual.

We sit here now, and I replay all of the things that have happened to our family.

"Samantha Dallas?" I snap out of my thoughts, and look at the doctor standing at the door. I stand up slowly, and walk over to him, Hayes following me.

"Yes." I say. He takes a deep breath.

"Ok. Well, she has some internal bleeding, and we're trying to patch that up. Um...she has a slight scratch on her throat. We haven't taken and ultrasounds or CAT scans yet. And besides that, she's breathing and lying in her bed right now." He says. I nod.

"Thank you very much, sir." I say. I start to turn around, but the doctor stops me.

"Where are you going? You can go see her." I turn around and literally run into the room. "Hey, wait. I gotta tell you what room she's in!" The doctor yells. I hear him chuckle. "She's in room 283." I don't respond, I just run. I don't care what anyone tells me. That's my sister.

I get to the room, and she's laying on the bed with machines hooked up to her. She's not breathing on her own, and she looks absolutely terrible. I walk to the side of the bed. I grab her hand.

"Hey." I whisper. I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around to see Hayes behind me. He looks at her, and takes a few shaky breaths.

"Is she ok?" He asks. I look back at her.

"I don't know." I answer. A doctor comes in, and looks at his clipboard.

"Hello. How are you today?" He asks. I shrug.

"Not doing very well. How about you?" I answer.

"Fine. Um.. We need to do a CAT scan really fast to see if anything is inside of her like a part of the blade or something, so can you go out in the waiting room again? Sorry." He says. I nod and Hayes and I walk out to the waiting room.

"I'm so scared." Hayes says. I look around the room at all of the signs for health and other things like that.

"Me too." I say. Someone opens the door and walks in, limping really bad. He has a hat on and a hood over it. My eyes widen. I know who it is instantly.

"Carter?" I get up and he turns to look at me. His face is bloody and bruised.

"Cameron." He says. I walk over to him.

"What happened to you? Are you ok?" I ask. He wipes some blood off of his chin.

"Shawn came over and started acting weird and then he started punching me and everything. I don't know what's gotten into him. Do you know?" He asks. I look down.

"He's with Matthew." I say. I look back up and Carter's eyes are wide.

"What do you mean he's with Matthew? Does he kill people too?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Yeah. You that weren't at the apartment last night when him and Matthew came and attacked Sam." I say.

"What?! Is she ok?" He asks worried. I shrug.

"She got stabbed and she's alive, but she's not breathing on her own. She's getting a CAT scan right now." I say. Carter comes up and hugs me.

"I'm sorry Cameron. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"I didn't want to worry anyone. Now can you go and get checked out because you look like you got hit by a train or something." I say. He chuckles.

"Just for your sake." He says as he goes up to the desks. I go and sit by Hayes again and the doctors immediately take Carter in. I sigh and keep waiting.

20 minutes later a doctor comes out.

"Samantha Dallas?" She asks. I stand up and walk over to the nurse.

"I'm her brother." I say. She nods her head and looks down at her clipboard.

"Well, she still has internal bleeding, 3 broken ribs, and um..." Her face falls. I start to get worried.

"What? Is she ok?" I ask. She looks at me with sad eyes.

"I don't know if you would-"

"Tell me! Please! That's my sister!" I yell. She jumps and I can feel everyone staring at me. The nurse takes a deep breath.

"Sam has leukemia."


Another cliffhanger for you guys! What do you think will happen?! Love you guys and I hope you're enjoying the book! 😝

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