Chapter 19

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•Hayes's POV•

"What do you mean she has leukemia?!" I yell. This isn't true. It can't be. Sam's a healthy 16-year-old girl. There's nothing wrong with her.

"Please, calm down. I know it is hard to take in, but it's true." The doctor says. I run my fingers through my hair. I look over at Cameron, and he stands there, frozen.

"Cameron?" I ask. He looks at me, and then turns away. "I want to see her. Now." I command. The doctor looks at me, his eyes widened.

"Right this way." He says and he leads me to her room. She looks bad, and I notice something that frightens me.

They shaved her head.

Tears instantly fill my eyes, and I slowly walk over by her bed. She's breathing slow, and after every breath it takes her 5 seconds to breathe again. I grab her hand, and it's so small in mine.

"I love you." I whisper, and I lay my head down on the railing. I silently start crying. The thought that Sam could die any minute, second, day, hour, anytime scares me. It scares me to death. Sam means everything to me, and I don't want to lose her.

•Sam's POV•

My eyes flutter open slowly. I look around and notice I'm in a hospital. Something has a hold of my left hand, and I look down to see someone sleeping on the railing. I know who it is instantly.


I reach out to touch him, but I stop when I get a few inches away from touching him. I look down at my shoulders and realize my hair isn't sitting on them. I reach up to touch my head, and it's cold. No hair to be found.

"Hayes?" I say. He lifts his head up and smiles when he sees me. His eyes are red, and I notice he's been crying.

"Hey baby. How are yo-"

"What's going on?" I interrupt. He looks at me, and his face goes down. He swallows and looks down. "Hayes, tell me." I say. He looks back up at me.

"'re sick." He says, and I can tell in those words that he's hurt. "You're sick, Sam."

"What do you mean I'm sick?!" I yell, tears forming. He closes his eyes.

"You have leukemia." He says. I freeze.

"What?" I whisper. He nods and wipes his eyes. "That's not possible, I was just fine yesterday!"

Hayes grabs my hand, and squeezes it. He looks up at me and the way he looks at me makes my heart shatter. "I'm so sorry that this has to happen to you, and I don't know why God is doing this, but I'll always love you with everything I have." He whispers.

I look up at the ceiling, and close my eyes.

"This can't be happening." I whisper.

"Hey, this is how life go-"

"DON'T EVEN DO THAT TO ME HAYES!" He jumps, and his eyes get wide. I pull my hand out of his grasp.

"No, babe, I didn't mean that-"

"Go." I point to the door. He looks at me, and his eyes start watering. I already have tears streaming down my face.

"Please Sam. Let me explain." He starts.

"I SAID GET OUT! WE'RE DONE! GO AWAY AND NEVER FUCKING COME BACK!" I yell. It goes silent for a moment.

"Ok." He turns around, and starts walking, but he stops and looks at me. "I really hope you die soon, because I don't want to see your ugly ass face again. You can go to hell, just like Cameron and your whole family is going to do! And don't come crawling back to me when you realize that you made a big mistake!"

I look at him shocked. I feel my heart break in two. Hayes leaves and slams the door behind him. A final sound to end us. All the kisses, hugs, snuggles...gone forever. I start bawling, and I throw the covers off of me. I stand up weakly, but manage to stand.

I see a counter with needles and other utensils, and slam it to the ground. It makes a loud clatter, and the room echoes. I see a rolling chair by the desk and kick it to the door, hard. I scream at the top of my lungs, and soon enough nurses come in and try to calm me down.

"Samantha! We need to you calm down!" One nurse yells as I try to get out of everyone's grasp. I get weaker after a while, and I feel a small pinch in my back.

My vision starts to get blurry, and I stop fighting. They put me in my bed, and my eyes start getting heavy.

"W-what did you d-do to me!" I manage to yell out, but before I get an answer, my eyes close, and I fall asleep.

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