~And now?~

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Luna POV

He returned into the house, i mean I understand him.............. but it still makes me sad, that he does not forgive me after that. If I just had told him......... Now he's still Angry at me and I can't blame him.
Bailey showed me my room, cause I was staying here at Horseland. I thought it would be easier to beg for another chance.
I laid down in the bed, my eyes are focused on nothing. I need this Moment right now.

It's all my fault, we were such good friends. Now were not Friends anymore, and that all because I didn't telled him that we were moving to Australia......


,,Catch me If you can''  The blonde Young Boy said laughing while he was running, I was chasing him than I catched him . Then  he tripped over his own feet and he fell to the Ground, he was still laughing.

,,You Ok Will?'' I asked him laughing while I helped him up, he stood up with my help. He smiled at me with his crooked smile but this changed in his personally Goofy grin, what makes me laugh.

,,Yeah I'm Ok, you know like me Ok''  He said grinning, I gave him a look with the meaning ,I understand'

~2 years later~

Today we're moving, I should tell the Boys that we're moving but I can't say goodbye to them, it would brake my heart to see them sad.......... exspecially Will.

There is a risk that, after that, they'll hate me, if yes I can't blame them.

,,Are you coming?'' My mom said to me and  patted her Hand on my shoulder with her warm smile in her face ,,I'm coming'' I said  with a Little tear in my eye.

Now I'm sitting in the back of our car and I take a last look at my old home

,,It's time to move on!'' My father started to sing happy, yeah thanks for that dad........

~end of the flashback~

My Eyes filled with tears, I remember how he called me 3 days later, he had sadness in is Voice.

He said that we're no Friends anymore, well he didn't forgot what he said years ago.

It knocked on the door and Bailey came in with a Little smile on his face, he sat down on my bed and looked at me

,,Are you Ok?'' He asked me, I looked at him and shook my head, sniffing. It makes me happy that Bailey had forgive me.

,,Is it about Will?'' he asked, I looked at him with big eyes, how did he know that, can he read my thinkings? ,No it's just obvious'  my inner voice said to me.

But I nodded at him and he understood.

,,Well that's hard, but you have to understand him. You were best friends and you just leaved him.

He was really sad about that and he cryed a long time after that, actually look at the clock too. It's just 5.30 a.m. , you know he's not a morning People or morning guy or whatever'' he said laughing at the end, i giggled at the last sentence, he was right. With everything.

,,Thanks Bailey'' I said to him slightly smiling. He nodded and closed the door behind him.

Now I have to apologize to everyone here, especially to Will.

Who cried, just because of me? 

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