Chapter Eighteen - My Brother's Advice Is the Best.

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        It was early evening once again in the land of the vampires. A most unusual scene was playing out in one of the castle's various sitting rooms. Luciano and Flavio were sitting on couches opposite to each other and calmly socializing over a glass of blood. It truly was an odd sight and very unnerving to those who knew the two brother's personally. This was probably the first time in a couple hundred years that the two vampire brothers had a civil conversation, and it was going rather smoothly, too smoothly if you asked the maids and butlers who dashed in an out of the rooms to attend to their needs. Flavio filed his nails silently as he listened to his younger brother drone on about his problems.

        "I mean, I do all of these things for (y/n), these displays of affection, and all she gives me is the cold shoulder! Sure we have moments where we seem like we love each other, but she just shrugs it off like it never happened! What does she want me to do, cut my ear off and give it to her as a gift?!"

        "Oh, stop being so dramatic! You got that last part from some stupid story about that one painter. You just need to be yourself around her and stop showering her with all these extravagant gifts. Not every girl likes that Luci."

        "Don't call me that!"

        "Well, you are acting like a child, so I'm going to treat you like one by calling you embarrassing nicknames! Geez, and people say I'm a drama queen."

        "I am not acting like a child and I am not a drama queen!" Luciano jumped to his feet in a small fit of rage.

        "Stop. Just stop and sit back down, relax."

        Luciano huffed and sat back down on his couch as instructed by his elder brother. He took slow, deep breaths and counted down from one hundred until he was calm once more. He took a sip of blood from his glass and leaned against the backrest of the couch. The prince sighed.

        "Alright, I'm relaxed. So what do I do since you seem to be such an expert on this love crap?"

        Flavio smiled widely. Finally, his brother was willing to listen to some of his advice. It was like a Christmas miracle to the blond haired vampire.

        "Well, to start off you need to change-"

        "I swear, if you say that I need to change my clothing choices, I will kill you myself."

        "Okay, there went the first idea... So apart from that minor detail, I was going to say you need to change your approach. You're trying to be a little too straightforward with her. She barely knows anything about you and you barely know anything about her. You need to take one night away from all of the wedding planning and take her out to do something you can get to know each other over."

        "And where do you suppose I take her, huh? I can't exactly leave the castle."

        Flavio leaned across the coffee table in between them, his smile never faltering. "Take her to the gardens. Matt told me that when she was younger she had a fascination with nature and still does. She especially has a fondness for (f/f), which I know you had planted in the garden a few years ago."

        "Flavio, you are a fucking genius!" Luciano exclaimed as her ran out of the room at full speed to get to you. He just hoped it wasn't too late to show you the special feature of the garden.

        Flavio grinned at what was once his brothers spot on the couch opposite of him. He gave a small chuckle and pushed himself up to find Andrés. Hopefully he was lurking somewhere within the castle like usual.

~With You~

        You were sitting in yours and Luciano's room in front of the unlit fireplace. A glass of cold water sat partially untouched on the cherry wood coffee in front of you. A book was settled in your hands, its pages being turned every so often as you finished reading them. The doors to the room burst open with a loud bang as they hit the walls. You jumped in your seat from a brief moment of panic, almost acquiring another paper cut from being in the process of turning the page when you were startled.

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