Chapter Thirty - Baby Shower

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~Time Skip - Five Months Later~

This evening was the night of your baby shower. Julia so very badly wanted to plan and host the baby shower but so did Flavio. The two ended up compromising and split the work needed to hold one for you. Oliver eventually heard about it and wanted to help too, so they allowed him to help with decorations and catering. He was ecstatic to help and starting thinking of food ideas for those who were going to attend. Julia and Flavio created a rather short list of people who were to be invited. It included Matthieu, Allen, François, Oliver, Andrés, Viktor, Lutz, Gilen, Anna, Lauren, (y/m/n), Isabelle, Luke, themselves, and of course the daddy-to-be, Luciano. They also invited Matthieu's mother, Charlotte, Oliver's little brother Paul, and one of the military officials that worked with Viktor, Kuro Honda. Karen Skeller, Luciano's and your doctor, was also invited but unfortunately couldn't make it due to work.

Normally a baby shower wouldn't have this many men attending, but there weren't many females that you knew in the castle besides your maids and Julia. You knew a few back in the human civilizations, but Julia and Flavio decided to only invite the people who you were closest too, which was your mother, despite having just met her for the first time in years at your wedding, your adoptive parents, and Matt's mother, who was like a third mom to you. You had no idea that the baby shower was even going to happen, and began to become suspicious when Luciano insisted that you go to the castle's library with him at precisely 1:30 AM after you received the blood injection for the baby. It was a very odd request for him to make and for him to give an exact time was what tipped you off. You figured that he had something built or made for you and the baby, so you decided to humor him and go with.

"So, why did you want me to go to the library?" you suddenly asked him when you were nearing said room.

"It's a surprise my little moonflower," he responded with a grin.

"Can't I have a hint then?"

"I'm afraid not (y/n)."

You groaned and put a hand on your stomach as your husband pulled you along by you other hand. The baby was becoming more active as the days progressed into weeks and then into months. You didn't know the baby's gender yet and neither did Luciano. The two of you agreed to keep it a surprise. Only Karen and her staff knew the gender, and none of them were surprised by what the baby's gender was. Speaking of the baby, the blood injections had been working perfectly. Karen told the both of you that the baby should be fully turned by your next visit in three days. Luciano was delighted to hear that his child was going to be a full vampire by the time it was born. You, on the other hand were a bit scared on how you were going to feed a baby vampire. They obviously couldn't drink milk, but Karen assured you that she would help you think of something before the time came.

Luciano stopped outside the library doors and held the door open for you. The room was extremely dark, even for the vampires that lived in the castle. Their eyesight was outstanding, but you doubted that they could even see in this darkness. It was like someone used the world's most effective blackout curtains over top of black spray painted windows and added a thick fog to the room. That's how dark it seemed. The light from the hallway didn't help much either seeing that it was dim at the moment. You tried to let your eyes adjust to the darkness as Luciano shut the doors behind him and walked to the light switch.

"What your eyes hun," he said before flicking the lights on.

You closed your eyes to prevent the sudden flood of light from blinding you momentarily. Your eyes fluttered open slowly. Various blurry forms filled your vision as your eyes readjusted themselves. When your eye sight cleared up, the room was filled with all of your friends and family, each dressed in casual clothes.

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