Chapter 3: Cake

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At school, you kind of distance yourself from Nagisa. You always excused yourself to the bathroom, always ignored him when he called you in the hallway, and you even set a mental barrier between you two. You just didn't want Nagisa to be with you. You were paranoid about Sakura, feeling her eyes glare at you with every move you make around Nagisa. It pained your heart and you sigh in the bathroom stall, washing your face after gym. You knew you couldn't keep this up since eventually, Nagisa was going to question you about it.

You decide to embrace the feeling of love which hit you hard. You blink, seeing your face really red. You smack youself and splash more cold water in your face. You exit the bathroom and head to the changing room. After that, you head towards your locker where you find a note, written with swirly letters. You recognize some words like 'you' and 'I'. It was in english.

"(Y/N)-chan!" you hear a voice in the distance and look out the front doors of the school and see Nagisa waving at you. You quickly change your shoes, take your bag, ad the mysterious note. If that note was in English, you realize that it must have been from Sakura. But... I could've been from the A class students too...

You shake your head. Stop thinking about it and ask Nagisa to translate it for you since he is better at English than you. "Hey Nagisa." you say, your voice a bit to quiet. "Hey, what's that?" Nagisa questions you. You look where he was looking which was where you were holding the note. "Er...." You couldn't bring yourself to say it. Just say it! You scream at yourself. You drop it and Nagisa picks it up. "Uh, can I read it?" he asks, and flips the paper over where he can read the message. You were able to nod slightly.

"Oh, this is in English. Do you want me to translate it?" Nagisa asks and you nod again. "It says;
Dear (Y/N)-chan,
This note is for you, anyone else reading it will get hurt. I am watching you always. I am requesting you to stay away from your friend Nagisa. I want you away from him. Forever. So, if you don't listen, I will hurt you, and maybe Nagisa.
                Sincerely,  _____

Nagisa stares at you. "Are you being bullied (Y/N)-chan?" Nagisa asks, concern written over his face. "I-I don't know. It might be Sakura." you say, blurting out a blame. "I think so to. Well, we know who the best persong in English is: Sakura." Nagisa says with a tough nod. "Here, keep it. Show it to your parents, Maybe they can get you security guards or something to protect you (Y/N)-chan" Nagisa says, taking my hand frimly. You feel yourself blush but you try to keep a straight face. "Well, I don't need to. I ahve you as my personal body guard. Willl you?" You suddenly say. What am I saying?You question your thoughts.

"Wh-what? S-sure! I would like to. I am your friend after all." Nagisa says with a smile, letting go of your hands and leaving the note there. You quickly shove the note in your bag and start walking with Nagisa to Isogai's cafe which wasn't that far. You both were quiet. You glance at Nagisa every now and then, seeing him concentrating around the area. He was really trying hard to protect you. "Don't be so paranoid." you say, almost sounding like your parents. "Ah... Sorry." Nagisa says, turning to you with a worried look, scratching the back of his head.

"You're so cute when your awkward." you suddenly say and blush and you see him blush too. "Eh?" he says and looks ahead, trying to cover his face with his cute tiny ponytails. "You look so kawaii when you blush too!" you say, kawaiiness taking over your mind as you hug him as if he was a giant, kawaii, teddy bear. You let go of him a second later, hoping the stalker didn't see it. Of course they did! Or did that only happen in books? You ask youself. Stop being so paranoid!

You enter Isogai's mom's cafe but don't see Isogai. Isogai's mom was there though. "Hello!" Isogai's mom says, greeting you both as you enter the cafe. "Hi Mrs. Isogai." Nagisa and you say. You both take a table near the window. "What would you like for today?" she asks. You glance around the cafe to find it a lot more empty than usual. You then look out on the streets to find and pursuers. "(Y/N)-chan and I would like the new cake you have brought out on the menu." Nagisa says and you calmly look back at Mrs. Isoagi. "Sure thing! I will add in a free drink for both of you to." she says with a really kind smile and walks away. 

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