Chapter 5: Sakura Time

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The next day, you head to your locker where you find another note. Same color, same handwriting, and same signature except, it was written in Japanese. It read:

Dear (Y/N)-chan, 
Did you not hear my warning? I will ruin your life at the festival, if you're even going. Hah, you have no such friends and no boyfriend. So, back off from the school and stay home and die. Again, I will hurt you. Stay away from Nagisa. 
        Sincerely, X

You blink and tuck the paper into your bag. You look around, trying to find Nagisa but spot Sakura, staring at you. You smile at her and wave. She does the same thing but stalks away. "(Y/N)-chan." Nagisa says behind you. You turn around quickly, suprised to see Nagisa. "Hi." you say, feeling awkward. There wasn't much to talk about but you head towards class, Nagisa by your side. You enter class with no one to greet you except for Sakura, which you sub-consciously looked her way and gave you a sneer but in a slit second, she smiles at you.

You smile back, wishing Sakura wasn't a mean person. You wished you thought that she was actually a shy girl You sigh and sit at you seat. Nagisa doesn't say anything to you but stares out the window again. You feel a sharp pain in your chest and you clench your hands and cover your heart and gasp. You feel like somone had sucked the air out of you and you breath in, coughing horribly. "Hey, (Y/N)-chan, you okay?" Nagisa asks. You stare at him, wide eyed. You bolt out the classroom, into the bathroom and you throw something disgusting up. You feel your forehead which was hot. You sigh and exit the stall, flushing the toilet and rinse your face and jog back to class, making it in time.

You sit back down, ignoring looks from Nagisa. He tosses you a note though while the teacher was to occupied with whatever he was reading at his desk. The note read: What's wrong. You reply with I have no idea. I couldn't breath. Then I threw up. You toss the paper back, glancing around and see if anyone noticed and then continue working on your assignment. A paper hit your head and you look down where the paper fell and pick it up. You glance at Nagisa which he gave a 'Sorry' look. 

You feel a bit pissed that he had hit your head and read the note. Are you okay? Do you need to go home?  You reply with: No. I don't think I have any troubles. I didn't even throw up anything, it was probably because I was grosssed out about something... You lie and pass the paper back. 

You don't recieve anymore notes until math, where you were taking notes. Actually, you were doodling around. You open the note which was Nagisa's handwriting, luckily. What are you doing? Don't tell me you're actually into this. 
No, I was drawing. You tear the drawing from your notebook and the teacher glances at you when you continue writing, pretending to be writing whatever he was writing on the board. You quickly slip the paper over to Nagisa's desk and the note and continue writing some stuff the teacher was writing on the board. You didn't get a reply and after school, you felt pursued. 

Nagisa had already left for home since he had to help his mom with something again. When you went to your locker, you found another note. Same handwriting as 'X'. You open it quickly and glance around. You see a hint of blue hair around the corner. Sakura. You read it which was written in Japanese again: 

Dear (Y/N)-chan,
Did I tell you NOT to hang out with Nagisa? You'll regret this when you go to the Festival. I will make you the laughing stock of the WHOLE SCHOOL! This is your last warning. If I see you with Nagisa, you WILL pay.
        Sincerely, X.

You weren't scared, okay you were a little bit, and headed home quickly. You felt safe, as if no one was watching you anymore. You were paranoid at home though, feeling like someone was watching you at home. When your parents came home, you tell them about it. They say they will have security gaurds at the festival. You then tell Nagisa about the two notes. He kind of got mad at you since you didn't tell him earlier. You didn't make up any escuse and you made sure you didn't tell him 'I forgot'. 

Tomorrow was the fesitval. You look out your bedroom window. You see someone on the street. You watch them as they pace back and forth on their driveway. A car passed by and you see Sakura's face. Then she was just a shadow. So, someone was stalking you. You cower in your bedroom... Hearing someone shriek outside... 

So, how was this chapter? A bit tempting eh? Well, see you next time. Bai bai~

p.s. Sorry for any misspelled or bad grammar... I need an editor... I think I found one ^-^

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