Dean's New Safe Place

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"I'm failing Divination." Dean Winchester spat out as he took his seat at the Gryffindor table.

"Not surprising," Jo replied, "what it's true!" She said as he gave her a dirty look.

"Maybe it is." He admitted under his breath, he piled a turkey leg on his plate (along with anything else he could get his hands on). Dean was somewhat of a stress-eater.

"I never see you open 'The Dream Oracle' or  your 'Unfogging the Future' textbooks." She said each name with an undertone of mockery.

"Didn't you take the class last year?" Dean asked as she poked at her food.

"Yeah, but I threw out all that information when I realized how useless it was. I mean, predicting the future? Really?" She snorted waving her fork around," I heard that class was supposed to be discontinued ages ago."

"I don't know- I mean we never believed in magic either."

"Dean, that class is a fluke. Just memorize the shit in the books and you'll be fine. Then, forget all about it like I did." She smiled as though she was a prized role-model, "If all else fails,  just make up some lame prophesied shit when Trelawaney gets to you. " She acted like taking the class was no trouble to her at all and maybe it wasn't- nothing seemed to phase Jo Harvelle.

"Just study." He said more to himself than to Jo. It made sense, if he actually listened and if he actually reviewed- he'll be fine. If he would have actually ever opened his books in the first place, he would have been fine. Instead, he always put Divination aside, and now it was coming back to bite him in the ass.


Before his Potions class Dean headed to the library to actually get started on this whole "study venture." It's not that he never studied before. It's just that things came easy to him, he was one of the best wizards in his fifth year class. Which made him as hated as it did popular, but it was something he was able to pride himself in. Because to Dean Winchester rhythm of spells made sense, the feeling of magic made sense. But the future never did.

He was surprised he didn't see Sam around the library, even if he was a third year he was already extremely invested in his studies. Dean usually saw Sam during break but they hadn't made plans in a while (Dean wondered if Sam was kissing a girl in the Ravenclaw tower).

He set his books down in a safe place. Dean had safe places and he could feel them as soon as he entered one. Hogwarts was a safe place. Being Sammy's older brother; safe place. Being Jo Harvelle's best (if not only) friend; safe place. Spells; safe place. Magic was the ultimate safe place. And as he laid his books down on a spent table surrounded by bookshelves and the warmth of sunlight, he knew he found another safe place he would always return to.

"Alright." He muttered already regretting poisoning the atmosphere with the dread of studying for a class he forgets he's even in. He opened the book, skimmed the first few lines and then closed it.

He let out a frustrated growl and opened the book again. He closed it not two minutes later. 

Why was this so hard?  

He let his eyes scan the area around him and for the first time he noticed there was someone else there.

He was sitting two tables away from Dean but perfectly in his line of vision, he wondered for a moment why he had not seen him before. Dean's eyes went straight to the boy's necktie, yellow strips. His head was tilted down reading a book Dean couldn't see the spine of. But he had dark tousled hair and his robes seemed worn out.

And before he realized, the boy was tilting his head up and staring right back at Dean's curious gaze. He had a rosy complexion and the bluest eyes that seemed to look right through him.

It felt almost silly not to acknowledge this verbally so Dean managed his typical "Hey" (the one he gave to the Gryffindors in the common room when he didn't want to stick around for a social gathering, but wanted to acknowledge that he noticed them anyway). He told himself that he recognized his face somewhere.

It took the blue-eyed boy so long to respond that Dean wondered whether he had even heard him.

"Hi." he said back and Dean could see the word fly out of his mouth and travel the distance between them.

"Name's Dean." He said, trying not seem as tense as he felt. He offered a smile which was returned with averted eyes.

"I'm Castiel." His voice was deeper than he imagined but also soft. Castiel lifted the book ever so slightly but enough so that Dean could catch the words Unfogging the... Dean questioned whether coincidences existed.

"You take Divination?" He said trying to drain the excitement from his voice before it left his mouth.

"Yes." Castiel said but it sounded more like a question. He waited for more, for Castiel to ask Dean if he took the class too. Or if he was interested in the subject even? And before this boy could turn back to his book Dean cleared his throat. He knew an opportunity when he saw one, even if Castiel didn't want to be bothered.

"Are you any good at it?" He blurted out. If he was, maybe Castiel could help him.

"I wouldn't say I'm that good." Castiel sounded uncomfortably modest. He looked at Dean with furrowed brows and a nervous foot.

"Awesome!" Dean said, believing more in fate now. "I'm failing that class, do you mind looking over a few things with me?" Maybe he was full of himself and maybe Castiel was thinking the same thing. But Dean couldn't care less.

"Um..." But Dean was already picking up his books.

"I mean if it's okay with you?" Dean asked even though he was already pulling the chair that was planted across the boy he met not five minutes ago.

"Yeah, Okay." Castiel said as though he was granting permission, even though Dean Winchester was already thumbing through the pages that he didn't understand. 

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