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When Dinner arrived, Dean was still contemplating on whether or not to tell Jo about Castiel. And as Jo droned on about a spell she couldn't get the hang of in Defense Against the Dark Arts, he scratched the back of his neck trying to forget Castiel altogether. He was taking up needless space in his mind, he should be listening to Jo. And if that wasn't troubling enough, Dean couldn't figure out what the big deal was behind his need to keep quiet about Castiel.

It was when they sat in the Common room (right by the fireplace) when Dean realized that the only solution was to just tell her. So he decided to mention where he went to before potions (why he wasn't with Jo).

"I think I found an A class nerd to help me in Divination" He felt a twinge of guilt but refused to cringe at himself (that what 3 AMs were for). Jo continued to flip through her book (although she seemed less interested in the text now).

"Now, Dean Winchester, that's not a nice thing to say." Jo began, "Don't tell me you're using your charming good looks to string along some poor girl to help you." She giggled.

"Actually, it's a boy and he doesn't seem too entranced by my freckles." Dean always hated his freckles. His mom used to tell him that freckles appeared when an angel kissed you. Yeah well, fuck those angels, Dean thought.

"What's his name?" Jo asked, even though Dean knew she also wanted to know his house.

"Castiel, he's a Hufflepuff. He's actually in our Herbology class." He looked at his Divination textbooks besides him and couldn't help a warmth take over his stomach.

"So, Divination, huh? How good is he?"

"He makes me feel like I never stepped foot in that class."

"Don't be dumb."

"I am dumb."

"'Says the best wizard in our house."

He groaned and began to pick up his stuff, it was getting late and Dean wasn't one susceptible to waking up early.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" She asked, also picking up her own books, "Sam saw me on my way to Potions. He wants to meet us at the Three Broomsticks tomorrow. 'Says he's bringing a girl along." She smirked giving him a knowing look.

"Of course he is."

"Be on your best behavior Winchester."

"Aren't I always?"

By the time he got to his room, his roommates were already asleep. He undressed to his boxers, which they didn't like but pajamas never made Dean feel comfortable.

Finally, Dean was in bed and felt the exhaustion set in. 

He closed his eyes and saw blue.   

[A/N: Please vote and comment (: ]

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