Being a Rich Boy

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Chapter One

Being a Rich Boy

{Zack's POV}

I stepped out of the limo that just arrived at my school. I got the same ogling looks I always got. The girls were running up to me like I'm some kind of celebrity, even thought they all know I'm gay. I was still getting death glares from the guys and trust me - it was from more than just jealousy. Walking tall, I gave out smiles that the girls get weak over, winked at those cute, shy guys that are most likely still a virgin and in general just being the same old rich boy everyone loves and praises. Well almost everyone.

His name is Dylan.

I hate him. I don't really hate people but Dylan just gets on my nerves. He's a Mr. Goodie-two-shoes! He reported me to the office the first day we meet for sexual harassment. I didn't even touch him! Well at least nothing below his pants. But come on! It's like, who am I kidding? When I see something I like, I go after it! It's as simple as that.

As I walked into the school and all the little wannabe's started to go away, I was greeted by my somewhat newest boyfriend: Michael.

"Hey babe!" He said taking his place by my side.

"Morning." I said as we got to my locker

"What some gum?" He asked, popping a bubble in my ear.

"Sure thing." I turned around. He gently placed his sweet lips on mine, as I pulled him closer to me by his leather jacket. He used his tongue to transfer the gum in his mouth to mine, which I gladly accepted and bit his lip before pulling away. "Thanks babe."

"Welcome. So are we on today?"

"If you're good today!"

"Am I ever good?" He said, smirking.

"No! And that's why I love you!" I said planting a kiss on him again.

It's true; I do like my bad boys. Even though I don't keep my boyfriends for long they always know they can get back with me. It's a cycle. Once I'm done with Michael I will go back to the beginning. Rick, Chris, Kelso, Phil, Andre, Oliver, Dave, Able, James, Noah, and then back to Michael. How do I keep up with that? I don't! They do. Ever since they saw the pattern they just went along with it. You see, my boyfriends never really get hurt. It's like a one night stand, but it can go on for a while. When they hear I broke it off with someone they come in.

"Get to class. I don't want you to get in trouble before ten." I said.

"Aww, you're so caring!" He said resting my forehead against his. He quickly kissed my lips and then was off to class. But not before he slapped my ass. I giggled and ran to class.

When I got to the classroom I slid into my seat just as the bell rang. Unfortunately, I had this class with Dylan and I sat next to him.

"Oh look at that! The gardening tool showed up!" He said as he faced me.

"Oh please! Says the saint." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Maybe you could learn a thing or two!"

"Have you not noticed that learning isn't my thing?"

"Yes, but I've noticed that sucking face and sex are neck-and-neck for first place on your list!"

"Good for you! Now shouldn't you be taking notes or something?"

"Shouldn't you?"

I thought about it for a minute, took out a sheet of paper, and then said, "No, not really." I started to doddle Michael's name on the paper. I could feel Dylan roll his eyes at me. He then went back to whatever the crap it is he does. I couldn't help but look from the corner of my eye at his desk. His straight blond hair hanging over his beautiful blue eyes that anyone could get lost in. What? It's not like I'm in love with him! I don't do love. But he is sexy.

Before you complain about me being with someone else or whatever. They don't care! They know me; I can never control what I do most of the time. And that includes looking at other guys. I mean come on, I have a damn circle of boyfriends.

He looked over slightly and held my gaze for a split second. I turned my head and looked around the room, chewing my gum more intensely. My eyes landed on the teacher. What's his name again? I raised my hand. He ignored it. I started waving it in the air. He still ignored me. Gosh what is with people!

"Mr. hello? Mr.!"

He sighed and rubbed his temples. I have that effect on most teachers. "Yes Zack?"

"Um, what time do we get out of here?"

"Not soon enough..." I heard him mumble. RUDE!

I turned to the right and saw my best friend Kim. She was writing someone's name on a piece of paper. Oh my god! Instead of getting all up in her beeswax, I tapped her on the shoulder. She quickly put up the paper and turned to me.

"Kimy! Do you still have my extensions?"

"Oh right!" she said reaching into her binder and pulling out my bright blue hair extensions. Well I call them extensions! They're those hair pieces from Hot Topic.

"Thanks." I said putting them in my hair.

"Oh Zack! Are you still coming to the sleepover?"

"Why wouldn't I? I mean I know it's going to be all girls and half if not all of them - except you - are going to try and kiss me and stuff, but it's still a party!"

"Right... Well I've been meaning to tell you that his time you're not going to be the only guy." At that point I was alert. I shot right up and looked at Kim dead on.

"Who is he? Do I know him? Is he cute? Is he gay?"

"Whoa! Slow down boy! You are not getting your baby gravy all over somebody at my party!"

"Baby gravy? Really?"

"Yep! DFizzy! I love him!"

"Too bad he's straight..." She glared at me

"So you're still coming?"

"Hell yes! Now I can't wait to see who this mystery person is!"

2021 A/N ... I promise this will get better at some point. 

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