Michael's Party

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Chapter 9

Michael's Party

{Zack's POV - Friday}

I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled up to Michael's house. The party was already in full swing and knowing Michael's social stander this year, it was going to be a packed house.

You see Michael's parents go away for the weekend every other Friday. So we throw this huge party for the guys. It started off as a little party for the cycle but one day Andre suggested we should make it a community thing and I only shrugged. Michael reluctantly agreed as everyone else was completely on board. So as a result, only gay and bisexual guys are allowed to come, and you must be out. Well, being out wasn't necessarily a requirement, it's just a lot nicer not having to worry about small details like that. No one other than the people that attend the actual party ever know about it though. Kind-of like a secret gay thing.

I walked in the door, and as soon as I did my song came on. I Want Your Bite by Chris Crocker. The night had begun.

Every inch of the place was covered with beautiful boys. Everyone grinding on each other and as the chorus came on everyone when down - still grinding - and came back up. I found Michael grinding between some random guy and Andre.

"Zack." Michael practically moaned from the dance floor, asking me to come over. Making a little space between him self and Andre I slid in and they got to work. You see the only reason Michael didn't need drugs or drinks at his parties - or at least theses types - is because when you're a hormonal teenager and you're pretty much at a sex party, you don't need to be high or drunk to have a good time. And when your gay your hormones are like times 1000 more than the average guy - or something like that.

Michael grabbed my hips from the back, grinding into me. I threw my hands back and locked them behind his head. Andre was grinding on my hips from the front and kissed up and down my neck. He bit down on my sweet spot and I moaned. Everyone was pretty much in a lust-filled cloud. I grabbed Michael and Andre taking them up stairs to an empty room and shoving them in. Pushing them onto the bed and straddling both of them.

Between ripping clothes and sweaty bodies I was pretty much in heaven. I was finally getting back to my old self. The rich bad boy that everyone loved. Speaking of being rich I think I deserve a shopping spree!

As Michael and Andre got ruff and I was moaning like crazy the only thing that keep me smirking on the inside was this:

Dylan who?

When I woke up first thing I did was check what time it was. It was one in the afternoon. Second was that I was completely naked, which I just shrugged at. Then I saw Michael and Andre thrown over me. So, I gently got out of the bed making sure not to wake them and took a shower.

As the warm water cleaned away the night before. I turned off the water and warped a towel around my waist as I made my way back into the room. I stopped at the door frame to see Michael and Andre, cuddled up together, making-out in the I-just-woke-up way. Even though it was adorable as fuck I had to break it up unless we wanted to repeat last night. I cleared my throat and they lazily untangled themselves to look at me. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Get up and get dressed. We need to see who's still here." I walked over to the dresser and grabbed some of my clothes that I leave here. I was pretty sure that at least 75% of the guys were still here. The other 25% were the ones that were in here for a hand job, or the few of them that were the conceded jerks - like myself - that came for a quick fuck. Unfortunately, I have to stay because one: I don't have to go home to anyone and two: I have to help clean up. Once, we were all ready we went down stairs to find a mess. When I say mess I mean a mess of naked boys. Other than that, there was a little bit of some fruity drinks in the kitchen and a bag of E on the counter.

"Really?" I heard Michael laugh from behind me. I turned around to see him take a picture of some guy who fell asleep with his hand still in the jerk-off position. I laughed at it before Michael shook him awake and threw a wet towel at him. We got started waking up people, Micheal taking the people in the living room, Andre taking the stairs and me taking anyone else and those ones that just wouldn't wake-up. I was cleaning up just fine, adding my number and a few photos to some lucky guys phones.

Michael ran up behind me and tugged on my earlobe with his teeth and whispered in my ear, "You know one day someone's gonna fuck you over, right?" I laughed and put the guys phone back by his side and woke him up. I turned around to face Michael.

"Then I'll call you first to tell you that you were right ... and a hundred dollars." He smiled.

"I'll be waiting for that." I laughed and walked outside to my car waving goodbye to Michael and Andre. Then I realized that Dylan would still be at my house. Since I was suppose to have taken him home last night. I pulled up in the driveway and let the butler take my car to the garage as a walked the rest of the way to the door. Marie glared at me when I got to the door steps.

"Look Zack, I know you have Michael's parties to go to, but you couldn't have taken him home first?" She almost yelled me.

"Is he upset?" I asked hoping she was making this a much bigger deal than what it really was. I mean, really who's ever heard of a teenager that wants to go home? I know a lot of people and all they can talk about is getting away from there parents and letting go. Having some freedom and just having fun!

"No actually, he's quiet fine. But he kept asking if you would 'be home soon'." I looked at her. Are you kidding me? 'Will he be home soon'? It's like he's my boyfriend - or worst - my husband! I rolled my eyes walked into the house. I stormed over to his room and busted open the door.

He was laying on the bed, his phone in his hand. I vaguely saw his bag packed next to his bed, before resuming my glare at him. He looked back at me with the same anger.

"Where the hell have you been?" He growled out. He stood up and pushed me into the wall.

"You're not my fucking boyfriend! Why the hell do you care what I do?" I said getting up in his face. He wasn't about to win this fight! I always win and no goodie-two-shoes is going to stop me from winning at my own game.

"Oh I'm so fucking sorry. Didn't realize that getting fucked by half the school was so fucking important!" He yelled at me.

"At least I'm getting laid. You're just too obsessed with me to even look at someone else." I said. He grabbed me by my shirt raising me off the ground.

"Why do you always have to make this about you? Like you're so fucking great. Because you're not, Zack. You're a whore. And a trashy one at that."

I clicked my tongue, my eyes narrowing even more. "You know what, Dylan? I'm just not going to say anything."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Because you're an asshole. That's why I'm gonna take your dumbass back to your shitty little home. And you can go fuck yourself all you want. This week has been fun and all, and trust me when I say that I know you want me. Because even right now, you're just dying to make me submit to you. Newsflash, it's not gonna happen. You're lucky I even bothered to entertain you this week. I literally do not give a fuck about your feelings! So you can take your little, 'When's he gonna be home' bullshit and shove it up your ass." I growled at him.

Even though I was mad at him I was more so mad at my hypocritical self. Because right now, in this position, all I wanted to do was kiss him. Make him want me until he couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted him to pin me to this wall and take me right here. Hate sex never looked so fucking good, when Dylan was standing right there. But I restrained myself from doing so and turned around and downstairs to my car. Once he's gone I'll be able to concentrate on things. Once he's gone I'll stop feeling like I'm going crazy.

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